Analysis and performance cricket

For my investigation I asked a friend if he would like to take part in an analytical study of himself in cricket and he said he would. My friend generally plays as an opening bowler who’s job in league cricket is to bowl economically and efficiently. To carry out this task efficiently and many others needed when playing cricket a variation of different skills are required. For example: * A good knowledge of the players which you are playing with as this will enable better teamwork and communication when running between the wickets and calling.

Must have good hand eye coordination. This is needed for a number of things, such as, fielding the ball, throwing, catching, bowling and playing shots when batting. These essential skills are required by all players on a cricket team Flexibility and agility are key components of fitness required by a cricket player as they need to have the ability to perform a series of explosive movements in rapid succession in opposite directions when chasing a ball in the field and returning them. Power is also required for throwing the ball and playing a variation of shots when batting as the ability to exert maximum muscular contraction in one explosive movement is needed.

I explained to my friend that I would be watching his performance during a training session so that I could calculate what sort of level he was playing at. During the session I focused on his abilities in both batting and bowling. I found that he was much better in his abilities to bowl the ball than he was when batting so I decided to analyse his batting technique. I asked him if he would show me a number of shots from a variation of techniques. I got him to play the same shot 10 times so I was able to make a thorough analysis of his ability for each. The results of the exercise are shown below.

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