Analysing performance

Preparation – Hands are the correct distance apart, although I should have my fingers all touching when round the stick, but I have my index finger pointing down the stick, this is a bad idea as its usually how fingers are broken. – Knees bent and left foot forward, giving me a low strong body position. – I move to meet the ball in the correct position however I don’t actually move forward towards the ball, so in a game situation it may then be easily intercepted.

– I make sure I know where I’m going to pass the ball next. – I need to move my feet round more sometimes so that I receive the ball on my open stick side rather on the reverse stick side (it is better to do this because it is easier and quicker to pass from the open stick side. If you then get tackled, then it is your strong side and so you are more likely to keep the ball). To do this I need to anticipate where the ball is going to go by watching the player, which is passing the ball, position. Execution

– I move my stick forward to receive the ball, and bring it back when receiving it, although sometimes my stick is at too much of an angle and if it is a hard ball then it goes of the end of my stick. – When I receive the ball, I need to have my stick nearer to the floor, as when I don’t have a strong grip the ball goes under my stick. – Occasionally I will receive the ball with a static stick, and the ball then bounces back of, this means that in a game situation I would be likely to loose possession of the ball.

– I sometimes do not put the ball in the correct position to pass it and let it get too in front of me or too near my feet. – I sweep the ball while it is still moving if I am receiving and passing it in an appropriate place, this means that the pass is quick and accurate. Although if passing over a longer distance and I don’t control the ball first it tends to get spin and then veers of in a different direction, also because it’s a longer distance the accuracy is more important and I don’t always get my feet in the right position quick enough.

– When receiving with the aim to stop the ball I do not have a strong enough grip on the stick and sometimes have the stick tilted slightly back so the ball just goes over it. Result and Recovery – I move to receive the next ball fairly quickly and already know where I want to pass the ball next, although sometimes in a game situation I don’t always completely think through my next move. Passing Preparation – When I pass, my hands are in the correct position. Execution

– When I hit it, I sometimes push the ball to far out in front of me, and so end up with having to put my weight really far forward and end up with my back foot up in the air, instead of having my right knee low to the ground. This makes the movement less aesthetic, and less efficient, as I then require more energy than required for the hit trying to keep myself upright. – Perhaps my biggest fault is that sometimes when I hit the ball, my grip is not strong enough and my wrist sometimes twists so I top the ball rather than hitting it square, especially in wet weather I often mis-hit the ball.

– When I push pass the stick stays in contact with the ball and correctly follows through so the ball is usually accurate. Because I can do a push pass effectively it means that I can also flick the ball if I want to, and I manage to keep the two separate passes separate so that I don’t lift it too high accidently. – When I sweep (long handled slap) the ball, I follow through as I would any other pass however I should bring my stick round so that my right hand crosses over my left. Result and recovery – I move back into the correct position to receive any future ball.

Or if the ball is intercepted I follow it up. Ball control Arm action – When I keep my stick on the ball you can see a clear increase in the amount of control I have, compared to when I let the ball roll of my stick and end up tapping it, which means the movement is less effective and fluent. – Also keeping the ball on my stick at all times is important unless I take it off purposefully in the case of a ‘dummy’. By having my stick on the ball at all times it would allow me to ‘feel’ the ball and consequently I would not have to look down at it, but would be more able to look for any available passes.

And of course it is harder for a defender to tackle because they are then more likely to do a stick tackle. Generally I am good at keeping my stick on the ball. – I keep the ball out in front of my feet most of the time, however sometimes it will get to close to my feet and I immediately have less control. – I keep my elbow to close to my body, if I pushed it out further then I would have more control over the ball and it would open up more passing opportunities, as currently to pass it to my right side I have to move my feet round Leg action

– I don’t move my feet correctly as I spend too much time concentrating on the ball, and the movement becomes loss coordinated this is why the ball will get to close to my feet sometimes, and this also makes the movement less aesthetic and fluent. The main reason for this is that I never have actually practiced and learnt where to put my feet. Body position – I bend my knees and my back is horizontal to the ground in the correct position, giving me the correct low, strong and stable position. Shooting Preparation – I don’t use a wide range of shots, usually a hit, sweep or push.

Although I can undercut and flick, I rarely use either of these shots, this is because they are not over learned and so I am not confident in using them. – I move my feet and get into the right position to hit the ball so that when I do go to hit it the move is more efficient. – I don’t always look to where the goal is and so this results in inaccurate shots. Execution – When shooting I make similar mistakes to when I pass, I don’t have a strong enough grip and let my wrists twist so I don’t hit the ball correctly. – I don’t always aim specifically and so will end up hitting the ball directly to the keeper.

Although when I do think and take the time to aim, I hit the ball accurately usually. Result and Recovery – I don’t always follow my shot up and so if it is saved then the defense can clear it more easily. Tackling Preparation – I don’t get into a defensive position too early and so keep a mobile position. – I notice where the attacker can pass to, and then try to put myself between the ball and the possible pass. Execution – I usually tackle using a jab tackle which can be effective, however because I only have one hand on the stick, although I may dislodge the ball I don’t always win it because the tackle isn’t strong enough.

– I will usually tackle at the last moment, however sometimes I do tackle too early and then the attacker can go around me and the move ends up being pointless, and it would have been more effective to channel them. – I often don’t watch the attackers’ actions closely enough and so end up missing the ball and doing a stick tackle. – I usually channel players, as it is a move that I have practiced lots in training, although as I cannot sprint really fast I sometimes can’t keep up with the attacking player.

Result and Recovery – If I get the ball, I sometimes pass it quickly, although I don’t always think this out properly and it will sometimes get intercepted. Otherwise, I tend to keep the ball in my possession until I see a pass I think is appropriate. However, this means that I will tend to loose possession of the ball if I am then tackled. – When I don’t get the ball, I always follow it up if I can, channeling the attacker until they pass it or I make a successful tackle.

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