Alcohol abuse and alcoholism

The positive effects of drinking alcoholic beverages is often associated with moderate drinking. The definition of moderate drinking is said to be complex because its definition may differ from one person to another. But most of the time moderate drinking is considered to be a drinking process which does not cause problems among the drinkers and the society where he is in. In addition to the above definition, moderate drinking is affliated with the idea of “safe” drinking or the numerical estimates of how much alcoholic beverages is needed to be consumed per day.

According to NIAAA (National institue on alcohol abuse and alcoholism), a standard drink should be one day a drink for women and not more than two drinks for most of the male counterparts. The adherence with moderate drinking may bring about some benefits. (Moderate drinking). In 1974, the very first hard data supporting the positive effects of moderate drinking was found. The researchers from Kaiser Permanente in California established the fact that abstainers from drinking alcoholic beverages are more prone in suffering more heart attacks than than those who drink moderately.

This was supported by the Honoluly heart program study indicating that, it was indeed true that many cases of cardiovascular diseases were associated with the lifetime abstainers compared to moderate drinkers. Two other studies from Harvard uphold the said analysis. The basis of the study relied on the striking relationship between the high levels of HDL cholesterols (good cholesterols) and moderate drinking. Together with a meal, drinking is said to reduce cardiovascular diseases.

The ethanol present in the alcoholic beverages is the key factor that prevent the formation of fatty platelets in the blood. (Burkett, 1995). Additional studies regarding the presence of HDL in alcoholic beverages were proven to help avoid cariovascular diseases. Dr. Arthur Klatsky of Kaiser Permanente in Northern California even noted that: HDL helps remove fatty deposits created by bad cholesterol or LDL (low-density lipoproteins), from the blood-vessel walls. The higher the HDL, the less likely vascular disease becomes.

The lower the HDL, the more likely. (Gupta, 2008). In Germany, another study on the effects of drinking alcohol and aging was found to be good for the heart. The July, 2001 issue of the Epidemiology published the research conducted by Dr. Wolfgang Koenig and his researchers. Blood samples were collected among 800 men and women, one-third of which experienced problems in the heart and blood vessels. The improvement in the balance of lipids in the blood as well the reduction on the bloods tendency to clot were the results of the said study.

(Glaser, 2002). When alcoholic beverages are taken in moderation or in small quantities, it was documented that temporary stimulating effect on the nervous system is evident. The temporary stimulation of the nervous system allows mental exhiliration and abruptness in the flow of idea. (Yeo, 1785). Supporting researches like that of Dr. Joe Christian at the Indiana University of the United States uphold the postive effects of moderate drinking in the nervous system of males. 4,000 male twins were observed for 20 years.

Based from the psychological test that he administered to the brothers whose ages range from 66 and 76, apparently moderate drinking doesn’t affect the brain in a harmful way. It was also noted that the brothers who drank one to two drinks a day scored higher on mental skills compared to those who drank less thus moderate drinking was believed to be helpful in the improvement of the memory, problem solving as well the reasoning ability. (Glaser, 2002). Moderate alcohol consumption was also suggested to be a protection from type 2 diabetes.

Previous studies conducted in countries like United States, Japan, Finland, Korea, the Netherlands and the UK suggested that moderate drinkers had the lower risk of type 2 diabetes compared to the non-drinkers and heavy drinkers. (Moderate drinking appears to cut diabetes risk) Alcohol also acts as an antibiotic. It was proven that alcohol fights some viruses and bacteria such as H. pylori, a bacteria causing stomach ulcers, common cold viruses, hepatitis A virus, as well as well as microbes like salmonella and E. coli which are the maincause of food poisoning. (Alcohol: one a day help hearts).

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