Aerobic and skills training

Pre-season preparation: Do anaerobic, aerobic and skills training – and some extra strength training, I will also prepare this stage, however merging it with the first stage. Competition: will compete regularly, while maintaining his fitness and preventing reversibility and getting enough rest, the training will be planned so that he can ‘peak’ at the right time. Recuperation: will have to recover from the strain of competition through rest and relaxation. I will embed the Four Principles of Training in my P.E.P

Specificity: Every badminton player will need a different P.E.P, unless they both want to train exactly the same specific fitness areas. wants to improve his explosive strength and stamina, two key factors to a good badminton player. Thus, I will concentrate on training the muscle groups that need training for badminton, simultaneously also focusing on his stamina. Progression: I will steadily increase the amount of training that has been done, but only when ‘s body has adapted to the previous training. I will also apply FITT at this stage.

Overload: I will make ‘s bodywork harder during all training sessions than it normally would. I will push it beyond the training threshold; it will be the only way for to increase his explosive strength and stamina. I will overload by increasing any of the following: Frequency of training (e.g. I will train him ore often) Intensity of training (e.g. I will make him lift heavier weights)  Duration of training(e.g. I will make him train longer, i.e. during circuit training) Reversibility: ‘s fitness will change over time, and it will go down if he stops training in the middle of the six weeks. It takes much longer to gain fitness than to lose fitness.

I will plan the programme using the FITT Principles Frequency of activity: How often will exercise? will train hard for about three days starting; however, I will increase this towards the middle and of the programme. His circuit training (I will explain this further, later on) will last for about 20 minutes a session; however, the specific fitness may last up to two hours long. Intensity of activity: How hard should be working. For the reason that wants to improve his explosive strength and stamina, I will have to make him train to a point where he is in the target zone of a 16 year old, which is 80-90% of max heart rate, 170bpm. In essence, if I constantly work at this level he will constantly be working in the training threshold, thus improving his stamina greatly.

Time of activity: Aerobic training sessions tend to last for about 20 minutes, however I will increase this gradually may be by a few minutes to make ‘s aerobic system efficient for a badminton game, as rallies can be either long or very short. When training his muscles they will be slightly shorter and less sustained, however I will aim to make his muscles stronger rather than bigger, as it is explosive strength and stamina I am looking for.

Type of activity: What exercises will use? It will vary from session to session; this will make tedium and much more interesting for . When practising aerobic training, I will be cross training , so instead of running on a treadmill to exercise his Quads and hamstrings I will make him cycle the same distance, which is used to increase fitness, however not overstressing the tissues and joints used in the main sport. Such as ball and socket joint in the hip and shoulder.

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