Сaesarian section deliveries

Least known to many, caesarian process of operation has been already applied in baby deliveries before. It has been noted that the Julius Caesar or at least one of his predecessors was delivered through Caesarian Section birthing process. As it has been noted in the article on Caesarian sectioning in the WebMD: “As the name “Caesarian” suggests, this is not exactly a new procedure. It was done in ancient civilizations upon the death of a near-full-term pregnant woman to salvage the baby.

Julius Caesar (or one of his predecessors) was born by this procedure. Hence, the name “Caesarian” is used. The term “section” in surgery refers to the division of tissue. What is being divided here is the abdominal wall of the mother as well as the wall of the uterus in order to extract the baby. ” (WebMD, 2007, ) Learning the history of Caesarian Section operation in delivering newborn babies, it would be helpful to know what Caesarian Section really is, through the expansion of the definition that has been cited herein. Caesarian Section Defined

Because of some certain situations, the application of Caesarian Section has been encouraged by several doctors around the world in delivering newborn babies. Several reports around the world pertain to this fact. However, what really is Caesarian Section all about? According to an encyclopedia: “Cesarean Section, surgical delivery of a fetus through an incision in the abdominal wall and the uterus. Although tradition states that Roman statesman Julius Caesar was born by this method, the first authenticated cesarean section on a living woman occurred in 1610.

The operation did not become widespread until the end of the 19th century, however, when improved surgical conditions made it less dangerous. At present cesarean section is performed when the birth canal is too small for the fetus or when abnormal events occur during birth, such as hemorrhage in the mother, failure of the cervix to dilate, or difficult positioning of the fetus. In recent years, cesarean sections have become increasingly common. ” (Encarta® 98 Desk Encyclopedia © & 1996-97 Microsoft Corporation)

From this definition, it could be observed that basing form the history of the application of Caesarean Section in delivering babies, technology and the advanced medical applications have made it possible for the development of the caesarian process to push through. For this reason, some women, who are not even at risk in delivering their babies find CS delivery as a practical way of giving birth to their babies. As for a fact, an article entitled “Caesarian or Normal Birth” commented this way: “[Brazilian doctors and mothers often prefer cesarean section to normal birth.

The doctor finds that “he can handle more births, can earn more money in his office, and does not have to lose his weekend,” reports Veja magazine. Mothers “choose not to go through the normal birth procedure, in order to avoid pain (however, there is much more pain involved in recuperating from a cesarean birth), and they believe the procedure will be aesthetically beneficial to the body (which it is not). ” In public hospitals, a third of all births are by cesarean, and in some private hospitals, the rate is as high as 80 percent.

“Childbirth has become a commercial product,” says Dr. Joao Luiz Carvalho Pinto e Silva, head of obstetrics at the University of Campinas. “People often forget that contrary to normal birth, a cesarean is surgery. There is greater loss of blood, anesthesia time is longer, and the possibility of infection increases. ” According to the doctor, “cesareans should be done only in three cases: when the life of the patient or of the baby is in danger, when there are no signs of labor, or when there are sudden complications,” says Veja. ]” (Awake! , 1998, 21)

Through an analysis of this report, it could be noted that there are only three basic reasons with which the choice of a Caesarian Section should be applied. And these reasons are as follows: • When the life of the patient and the baby is in danger • When there are no signs of labor • When there are sudden questions When observed closely, it could be noted that the reasons are based on serious cases. However, through the report mentioned above, it is indeed remarkable that there are women who decide to undergo caesarian section eventhough they are not experiencing the said dangerous situations.

They have reasons such as fear of labor and fear of getting delivery excess fats. Some reasons include the fact that women who have been delivering babies through caesarian section with their first babies believe that they are no more capable of delivering their babies in a normal method. Another report claims: “More babies are being delivered by Caesarean [sic] than ever,” reports Newsweek, despite well-publicized recommendations to reverse this trend. In 1975 cesareans were performed in 10. 4 percent of all births in the United States. In 1980, the number of cesareans rose to 17 percent.

Today the figure stands at 20 percent. Dr. Norbert Gleicher, author of a recent study in The Journal of the American Medical Association, says that a third of today’s cesareans are performed because the operation had been used during the mother’s previous delivery. But the axiom “once a cesarean section always a cesarean section” is out of date, he says, adding that “60 percent of these women can deliver vaginally if given the opportunity.

” Gleicher recommends that hospitals with high cesarean-section delivery rates should be investigated. ” (Awake! , 1985, 20) Prior to the knowledge of other people regarding the fact of the less-danger that Caesarean Section deliveries have on mothers, it has already been outlined by medical experts that since caesarean section deliveries are only intended for serious cases, it denotes the fact that the process indeed involves several critical methods that are more dangerous than normal deliveries.

Consequently then, some mothers who simply decide to receive the said operation for delivering a baby, experience pain and other emotional based distractions during the postnatal stage. Aside from this, reports pertain to the fact that there are also some points of consideration that should be attended to by mothers who are deciding to deliver their babies through CS method. The article “Caesarian Section and allergies” comments this way:

“There may be long-term risks of Caesareans we’ve not considered before,” says Sibylle Koletzko, of the Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany. “I would discourage [them] for all non-medical reasons. ” Researchers say that such births may be a factor in the rise in cases of asthma and allergies. A study of 865 babies who were all exclusively breast-fed for the first four months showed that those delivered by Cesarean section had more digestive problems and were more likely to develop food intolerances.

According to New Scientist, “the explanation might be that babies born by Caesarean do not get a chance to swallow beneficial bacteria during birth; colonisation of the gut plays a key role in the development of the immune system. ” (Awake! 2005, 13) For these reasons, the mothers should consider the involvement of serious decision-making before actually pushing through with the delivery, especially if there are no serious reasons to be considered during the delivery.

The review of the literatures that would be used on this study shall be an opening discussion for the introduction of the topic that is to be discussed in the entire research. The experiences that would be the basis of this study would be gathered through the use of an online survey process. Another data gathering is based on actual interview on the patients who have undergone caesarian section deliveries. These methods would be further discussed within the chapter that follows : http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=2573

Giving birth to newborn infants is often a fascinating experience for mothers. On the contrary, because of the existence of several complications during the prenatal processes, the application of caesarean section deliveries have been introduced to the medical world of …

Caesarian section, or cesarean section, is defined as delivery of the fetus through incisions in the abdominal wall and the uterine wall (hsyerotomy). This definition does not include removal of the fetus from the abdominal cavity in case of rupture …

As said earlier, the methodology that would be used to gather up the needed information for this study aside from the researches that are based form literatures published by medical agencies and other women and social magazines, the survey results …

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