Your chosen practical activities

You are to produce an analytical written account of the development of sporting excellence in one of your chosen practical activities. All around Oxfordshire there are lots of opportunities to play rugby for clubs (at grass roots of the sport). This applies to anyone who is interested in the sport no matter who they are. If they are female, male, young or old they are welcome to play. Around Oxfordshire there are 8 rugby clubs that are well represented, although there are some smaller clubs.

These clubs provide opportunities for young or older players to improve their game and progress through the stages of rugby development. Well known rugby clubs such as Bicester, Oxford, Banbury and Henley offer the best facilities in the Oxfordshire region, and alongside this they offer the best opportunities for the development for the new talent that is coming through. In Kidlington the new ground at Stratfield Brake has come through government funding. This is one example in this area. Banbury is another good example.

Sport England began in 1997. The objectives were to get more people to play sport, to get more places to play and to achieve more through the development of sport. Sport England doesn’t only deal with the money matters. They deal with lottery funding, local authorities, women in sport, disability, racial equality and government body investment. All of these things have helped the development of sport in England.

Sport England have put money into grass-roots developments such as Stratfield Break so that people can have new opportunities. The funding through the lottery has helped the development by providing new clubhouses and facilities so that the player can train with new equipment. Another organisation is UK sport (UKS). UK sport was also established in 1997 as part of a re-structuring programme. This organisation took responsibility for all issues that needed to be dealt with at UK level. Their overall mission is to help UK athletes to become world class performers. Funding through investment comes via UK sport and Sport England who then provide the grants to the governing bodies.

In my case the RFU would receive their grants from these two bodies. They also provide advice to schools and help to support them at all levels. UK sport have a wider cast over the whole of the UK where as Sport England control sections within that whole area. These funds develop grass-root sports through grants mainly to build new venues to attract new players to the sport. In the rugby circle, club level in at the bottom if you like. It is the basis for all of the development that is taking place. You start at mini’s here and move through juniors to colts and then into the adult teams (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,5th).

From here you move from the clubs to the county trials then into the county representation. Elite squad is the next step from here and then into the area squads. South/North England, England U16,U18,U21 and then the full England squad are the next steps in the ladder to the top of the English game. The only representative honour that is higher than this is the Lions squad and is seen as the jewel in the crown, as it is made up of the English, Irish, Scottish, and the Welsh. They then tour a specific country. E.g. the lions tour of South Africa.

All of the representative honours that players earn come by being scouted/watched by a representative from another team. If you are selected for trials then they will send you for trials where you will be watched closely by other managers and coaches. For example, one of the youth development officers for England and the RFU is Gwen Evans who is involved in the selection process if you make the trials say at county level.

At present in rugby, no one is greatly affected by individual differences. I would say that the only people that wouldn’t be able to play rugby would be the disabled but even they can play. The Great Britain Wheelchair Rugby Association (GBWRA) is rugby’s governing body for disabled players. Wheelchair rugby is a team sport for males and females who are quadriplegics. There are two teams each having 4 players.

Some of the rules do vary as the game is played on a basketball court although the game is classified as a contact sport. Obviously not all types of contact are permitted under all situations, but contact is not to be discouraged in the name of safety as it is in the nature of the sport. This is a great variation to rugby and it is great that this association have their own league so that even people with disabilities can compete in this traditional contact sport.

This means that no matter who you are or what you are, anyone can play rugby. This is good because everybody deserves to play this game and have the opportunity to succeed. So now that the mini’s, juniors and colts are set up for males and females, as well as men and women playing at 1st team or professional level everybody can participate. After all there are no rules that are written to stop people form playing providing that there is a team for them to play for. This is because mixed gender rugby is not allowed after mini’s level, and one of the main priorities for the lower age groups is safety.

In rugby there has always been a strong view to take players from a young age and educate them about rugby. In England rugby is the second most popular sport following rugby but still there are the same principals of …

Rugby Union is fast developing into one of the most popular sports in the country. The mass influx of foreign players into the Guinness Premiership shows this. However, we must still concentrate on nurturing young English talent. Here I Intend …

Psychological techniques Successful coaches have to have a good Psychological side to the game so that they no what is required and what they have to face in the future. They also have to not buckle under pressure and always be …

Most of these clubs provide facilities for children of all ages, under 7’s is the youngest age group with under 17’s being the oldest child team, it then moves onto the Colts teams (under 18’s) and then to adult rugby. In …

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