Practical Sports Coaching

Psychological techniques Successful coaches have to have a good Psychological side to the game so that they no what is required and what they have to face in the future. They also have to not buckle under pressure and always be strong for the players and the team. If a player sees that their coach is finding it difficult, then they no that they are not doing the right job and their confidence level drops. A successful coach has to always try to take something good out of a game so that they can build on places were they went wrong and try and fix them. If they find something good in the game then the player’s confidence level gradually builds and they start to play better. They have to get the players into good habits and a routine for training. They have to have a good idea of what routine they are going to take the players for and be able to plan a good training programme. A successful coach also has to develop a mental toughness. They have to teach the players to work and play as part of a team and not to play for themselves. They have to be able to interact in a competitive environment.

The coach must always bear in mind that sport is an area of life that people enter into in order to have fun and enjoy themselves. The coach must prepare teams and individuals to maximise their chances of winning, but they must not lose sight of the pleasure that sport can bring. This development of skills must always be practised in a safe environment and ensure the safety of participants and the coach. Physical techniques

A successful coach has to try to kept the physical level of all of the players to a high standard so that then are able to last the full game. If they are not used to training very much and they go and play a full game then their muscles become over used because the body can not cope with the pressure that is being put upon it and it results in an injury. If the coach gets the players into a routine of training, then the players improve on places were they are lacking and try to improve their performance on the pitch and please the coach. It then relates back to the mental side because if the performance of the players is good and the players are happy then the coach is happy. Coaches have to aim to improve speed, strength, flexibility and endurance. To minimise the chances of any player getting injured, the coach has to strengthen and develop techniques to unable this to occur. They have to get the players into good habits and a routine for training. They have to have a good idea of what routine they are going to take the players for and be able to plan a good training programme.

Personal skills of a coach There are many different styles of coaching, and most coaches nowadays have there own views on how things should be done. These are many different personalities and styles throughout the world. However the very best coaches always seem to have at least five things in common.

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