Young People’s Substance Misuse Strategy

This strategy was implemented in April 2005 and was the result of joint venture of the Home office with the Department for Education and Skills and the Department of Health (Home Office, 2007). The aim of this strategy is to target the youth and prevent them from becoming the problem drug users of future by increasing the awareness about harmful effects of drugs among them and encouraging them not to use drugs. This partnership has been able to solve drug related problems in many areas (Home Office, 2007).

The government has taken the following steps (Every Child Matters: Change for Children, Talk to FRANK Campaign, Positive Future and Blueprint) through this strategy in order to prevent the development of substance abuse disorders among young people. These would be described below. Every Child Matters: Change for Children This is a program implemented under the “Young People’s Substance Misuse Strategy, 2005”, targeting towards children and young people under the age of 19 years.

This program aims towards well-being, safety and health of all children, irrespective of their background or social status. It aims towards helping children achieve what ever they want in life and protecting them against the harmful affects of drugs. This program involves development of partnerships between various organizations like schools, hospitals, police, voluntary agencies, Children Services etc. These various organizations through their team work would help in developing bright future for children.

This program is linked with the “updated Drug strategy (2002)” both at local and national levels (The Department for education and Skills, the Home Office & Department of Health, 2005). The program specially caters to the needs of young and vulnerable children who are at the highest risk of developing problems with drugs. More focus is given early intervention so that the problem can be tackled at an early stage. Some of the drug abuse preventive strategies employed by this program are:

• Educating the children regarding harmful affects of drugs at school level. • Giving advice and information to the young people and their families regarding drugs, preventive and treatment services. • Providing core services related to health, education, residential facilities, and social and family support services. Talk to FRANK Campaign Talk to FRANK campaign is a multi-pronged approach, working at both local and national level to ensure that the young people are able to understand the risks and dangers of drug abuse (Home Office, 2007).

Through this campaign help can be provided to both young people and parents seeking help for their children, either through online information given on their website or through their telephone helpline. Local campaigning and advertising to protect the youth against harmful affects of drugs is also carried out (Home Office, 2007). Positive Future Positive Futures is a program which specifically aims at socially unprivileged section of the society by providing them new opportunities for training and employment (Home Office, 2007).

Blueprint Blue print is a research program which involves conduction of research regarding treatment and prevention of substance use disorders. The research would help in building an adequate evidence base which would help in planning future strategies. Blue print program aims at educating the youth, proving them with correct information, helps them develop a range of skills (self control) which would help them curb their desire for using drugs (Home Office, 2007).

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Involvement with drug use starts at a young age. Every year nearly 20, 000 young people are estimated to develop into adult problem drug users (Edinburgh University & Crew, 2000). Thus in order to be most effective, drug strategies should …

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The threat of substance misuse posed on family members is a problem which has dominated the lives of children for many years. Cork (1969) interviewed 115 children who had either parents or both parents in treatment for substance problems (drinking). …

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