Prevention and Treatment of drug abuse in UK

Involvement with drug use starts at a young age. Every year nearly 20, 000 young people are estimated to develop into adult problem drug users (Edinburgh University & Crew, 2000). Thus in order to be most effective, drug strategies should aim at prevention of drug addiction among young people.

This can be achieved by educating the children (right from the elementary school stage) and increasing their awareness regarding the possible psychosocial risk factors which could instigate the development of substance use disorders. Importance must be given towards early implementation of preventive interventions and strategies.

A strong focus on skills training must be given so that children learn to resist against social influences as early as possible (Pokhrel et al, 2007). The government of U. K has implemented a strategy “The Drug Strategy” in 1998 in order to deal with the growing problem of drug abuse in the UK (Home Office, 2007). One important component of this strategy is prevention of emergence of substance use disorders among the young people. In order to achieve this goal, the U. K Home Office implemented a strategy known as “Young People’s Substance Misuse Strategy”. This strategy aims at preventing young people and children from abusing drugs.

Prevention is better than cure. Truly, it is more advantageous if the problem against drug and alcohol abuse should be prevented much earlier rather than finding ways on how it can be cured. With the mentioned ill-effects and consequences of …

Several substance abusers have the perception that they can stop their drug utilization but majority of them fail. Studies have shown that drugs are responsible for changing the function of the brain and fortify cravings for drugs. Because of these …

Substance abuse can be prevented and can also be treated. The role of the parents is highly important in preventing and treating drug abuse. As parents, they greatly influence their child’s behavior and actions. Thus, they should set a good …

Drug and substance abuse has become a pertinent issue among students of all levels and even long after they finish their studies (Carey, Henson, Carey & Maisto, 2007). Drug abuse is a vice which has always managed to fill the …

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