World Health Organization

This article presents a case study where conflicts between an individual’s right to privacy and the rights of patients and staff to know when a professional standard has been breached. The process where Health Care Administrator determines a course of action is reviewed in the contend of workplace procedure through an ethical analysis. The information that has been gather from world scientist in a decision-makig have created a issues of breach I confidentiality and the release of sensitive information for a a health care personnel who are in a position that served the public for health needs.

The issues facing nursing Administrators are diffcult and concerning how exposure can happen to a nurse whe using protocol as outline by the Center of Department of Disease, and World Health Organizations as indicated for protection against deadly viruses. Throughout this paper, I will identify strategies to deal with the workplace issues that has given risen concerns to World Health Organizations Personal Protective Plan. What was the problem with the equipment? Did the equipment design to meet the needs for all viruses, deadly and beyond?

Keywords: privacy, confidentiality, ethics, nursing administration, quality improvement, WHO, CDC, pandemic, epidemic, and Zaire Introduction Institutional and organizational ethics are becoming one of the same phrase when we talk about our health care system world wide. Challenges are being place on ethical values verse professional values. Today, many health profession are impling their personal values are being tested by unethical or illegal acts in the workplace. Doing things that impose on the public with the untruth or wrong information given out attention to by time to solve major issues.

Presentation of the Case Study The case study provides an opportunity to review ethical issues related to breach of trust to the public. The ethical analysis of issues by CDC Center for Disease of Control, and World Health Organization, WHO. Relates to disclosing confidential information concerning an employee exposure. Reasons to override confidentiality- Communicable disease including sexually trasmitted diseases, child abuse, and gun shot wounds are all examples of reportable information that promote a public good require by state or federal law(Brody,1989).

Nina Pham 26, contracted the Ebola virus while caring for Liberian man who died ten days later after treatment in the United States. Nina Pham is employed with Presbyterian Hosptial in Dallas, Texas where she resides. On Sunday, October 12, 2014 the news station would not release her name, age or family ties stating it was privacy issues for her and her family. (Brody, 1989) standing changed the ethical and moral respondent to the public on the release of information.

The current Ebola outbreak is now Epidemic in West Africia again since 1976. Yes, this is not the first of it kind. The Government has known about the deadly virus for years and kept it contained until now. It has never spread to the United States, Spain or any other place cause they did not have missionary coming in to assist with medical needs. How is the United States different from African nations, our health care systems haven’t been overwhelmed by Ebola Pandemic. What is Ebola well, it doesn’t spread easily like the flu, a cold or measles. The virus isn’t airborne. It’s in a sick person’s bodily fluids, such as blood, vomit, urine, semen or saliva.

Listen, a scientist an experist said, salvia, the person cough what happen then, the salvia spreads who is exposed now. Yes, there is a twenty-four day window for active sign of the virus. What Ethical and Moral values do we have to the public in informing them of the risk for exposer to the Ebola virus? What are the sign of the virus? The Ebola virus has taken on nine different strand now that is not tracable until the person become very ill. It can be trace by blood work and possible cure by blood 1 / 2 work. There’s no known cure for the Ebola viruses.

The Nation’s top Doc’s say Ebola won’t spread in United Stated. “ I’am just saying that our moral and ethical issue are not being openly discuss with the public. We just need to inform the public of possible sign and let everyone know of the contact range window. On December 31, 2013 Ebola began in Guinea again. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sent a five team to assist Guinea’s Minstry of Healty ad the World Health to lead an iterational reponse to the Ebola outbreak one hundred and twelve suspected cases and seventy deaths where found.

This is when they relies the spread of Ebola to Liberia, and Sierra Leore. This is the time when the Government there decided to report it as pandemic asking for more Federal help. This is one of the reason it took so long for the United States to transport patients here for the possible exposure of Ebola. Ebola is animal transformity mainly from bats. It’s not known how they transfer it to human but, by flying over human and exposing by bites and other means. Other wild games are a known cause to spread the virus among human by eating their meat bushmeat.

As law and ethics evolve, there are times when a conscientious person must rely sole on ethics to guide decision-making Weinstein (1995), ethics and not the law determine what is morally acceptable when there is no relevant law, when the law lags behind the cultural of the moral of each society. References Weinsten, B. D. (1995, Summer).


According to Canada’s top health consultants and officers, the Ebola disease risk for Canada is very low. As United State, is facing Ebola disease issue because of tourist and travelers from Liberia and West African Countries. According to Gregory Taylor, …

August 21st, 2014, Saah Exco, a 10-year-old Liberian boy found on the beach in Liberia abandoned, sick, and all alone. No one could take care of him as his parents both passed bc of suspected having Ebola, and people in …

?3. a)The current status of Ebola and Leishmaniasis are deadly diseases according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Ebola is comprised of five distinct species: Zaire, Sudan, Cote d’Ivoire, Bundibugyo and Reston, which causes 25-90% deaths found in African clinics. …

Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF) is a viral hemorrhagic fever and one of the most virulent viral diseases known to humankind. The Ebola virus was first identified in the western equatorial province of Sudan and in a nearby region of Zaire …

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