Women & Aids

Mass Communication Canadian International College Women & AIDS The Role of Media in changing the image of women with AIDS Presented to Ms. Yasmin Mahdi Supervised by Dr. Miral Mostafa Prepared by : Karen Anwar February 2013 1. The Topic Women & AIDS, The Role of Media in changing the image of women with AIDS 2. The reason for choosing this topic This topic is specifically chosen as there were almost no previous studies that had covered women with HIV diseases, AIDS in precise to be affected by Media and that media can play a great role in changing their defending images.

3. The Purpose of this research A. Add Knowledge B. Generate a new topic C. Influence policy makers ( TV Producers ) 4. Type of this research Analytical Research 5. Research Approach Qualitative Research Research Problem Media has a great influence, the aim is to browse how influential the media can get to change the image of women with AIDS from a negative to an understanding sight. Research Aims 1. Know the number of TV shows that had covered the topic of women with AIDS 2. Figure out how aware people are to the effects and contagious symptoms of AIDS 3.

Analyze previous media materials that had managed the topic. Research Significance Important for society Add knowledge Research Questions 1. How to perceive Media’s great influence in affecting the image of women in general 2. How the image of women with aids can change through media by analytical and practical applications. 3. Why women are ashamed of AIDS? 4. What is the right reaction for the society to handle women with AIDS? \ 5. How do women with AIDS find great comfort ?Review of Literature.

Article Title : The word on the street about HIV/AIDS: An examination of what upper primary students know about HIV/AIDS. Author: Glover, Ryan. , Ledger, Gregory. , Mabika, Goma. and Anderson, Gregory Publish Date : Paper presented at the annual meeting of the 55th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, Fairmont Le Reine Elizabeth, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2012-12-02.

Abstract:South Africa has large percentage of HIV & AIDS diseases, this research will work on covering and comparing how different education curriculums taught in school and the real knowledge youngsters contain concerning the effects, symptoms and forms of HIS/ AIDS.

Article Title : Educating Women for HIV Prevention: Does Exposure to Mass Media Publish Date : Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Colorado Convention Center and Hyatt Regency, Denver, CO, Aug 16, 201 Author: Jesmin, Syeda. , Chaudhuri, Sanjukta. and Abdullah, Shahnaz.

Abstract: Authors believed that media is a powerful key in changing women’s knowledge of HIV & AIDS. On experiences with more than a source of media exposure to women in Bangladesh, the result is absolutely positive as in effective to women’s behaviour and perception to AIDS.

Article Title: Effectiveness of Media Interventions to Prevent HIV, 1986-2006: A Meta-Analysis Publish Date: Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International.

Communication Association, Marriott, Chicago, IL, May 21, 2009 Author: Snyder, Leslie. , Johnston, Blair. , Huedo-Medina, Tania. , LaCroix, Jessica. , Smoak, Natalie. and Cistulli, Mark. Abstract: Media exposure (combined index of TV, radio, and newspaper) was a highly significant predictor of women’s knowledge about HIV and AIDS. Other significant predictors of HIV knowledge include women’s education, age, employment, and urban residence.

The fast and changing world has been the main reason as to why many have experienced difficulties sometime in their lives. As known to many, health has the greatest risk that people are often afraid of. For the most part, …

If you could put a face to Poverty, Aids, and ill-health, malnutrition what would it look like? Thinking of these words of misery, I always see a face of a ‘woman’. Why? I wonder! Gender, poverty and health are intimately …

Women are facing devastating impact of HIV/AIDS in world over. In India women are already economically, culturally and socially disadvantaged lacking access to treatment, financial support and education. They are outside the structures of power and decision -making. They lack …

Women are facing devastating impact of HIV/AIDS in world over. In India women are already economically, culturally and socially disadvantaged lacking access to treatment, financial support and education. They are outside the structures of power and decision -making. They lack …

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