HIV/AIDS in Women

The fast and changing world has been the main reason as to why many have experienced difficulties sometime in their lives. As known to many, health has the greatest risk that people are often afraid of. For the most part, the women are the ones mostly affected by such predicament such as AIDS/HIV, to name one. Helping women get out of such danger would come as a challenge for society, specifically those who have been hit by the deadly virus. For the most part, it is important to monitor all the women who have been diagnosed with the said disease.

Being updated with the necessary precautions would also come to our advantage, for the spread of the disease would be prevented. Expectant mothers should also be given enough attention, for the disease may be transferred to the child directly from the other. In so doing, necessary medications are given, and utmost care is necessary in order to allow a safe and healthy delivery of the baby. As I was writing this paper, I found one of my peer’s articles interesting.

It stated how much time, effort and discipline were needed in order to prevent the spread of AIDS/HIV. Furthermore, being sexually active entails a lot of responsibility especially on the side of the women. As mentioned in the article, it is important to be protected all the time especially from sexually transmitted diseases, such as AIDS/HIV. The information that the article gave were enough to open the eyes of the people in society to become more responsible for their actions.

Furthermore, the realities that the article presented posted enough information to help society, especially the younger generation, become more aware of the much needed precautions. In addition to this, the said article would also come as an inspiration for readers to become more open to the risks of acquiring HIV/AIDS if they do not become careful of their actions. Life is short, and it is up to the people, especially the women, on how they could make the most out of their lives.

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Women are facing devastating impact of HIV/AIDS in world over. In India women are already economically, culturally and socially disadvantaged lacking access to treatment, financial support and education. They are outside the structures of power and decision -making. They lack …

Women are facing devastating impact of HIV/AIDS in world over. In India women are already economically, culturally and socially disadvantaged lacking access to treatment, financial support and education. They are outside the structures of power and decision -making. They lack …

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