Why i want to be a nurse

The field of nursing has long interested me because I find myself compassionate about providing care to sick individuals. I think that the field of nursing may serve as a way for me to help individuals especially during their most difficult times such as illness and accidents. I am aware that the training required to become a nurse is challenging. It will involve taking courses in math, and mostly science, such as anatomy, physiology and anatomy, yet I am still willing to undergo such rigorous training in order to enhance my greatest capabilities as a nurse.

I am excited about learning psychological concepts that will be later applied as I interact with different kinds of patients during my nursing profession. I would like to be a nurse because this is the best image I can envision myself performing in the near future. Nurses are an essential component of every healthcare facility. They serve an important role by providing assistance and technical activities that will facilitate healthcare management of a patient.

I am aware that there is a shortage of nurses in the global level, mostly due to the increase in the human population all over the world (Westerndorf, 2007). I am also very concerned of the need for better healthcare programs for the elderly, since they urgently need proper care during their last precious years on this Earth. I am highly driven to become a nurse that is capable of working in nursing homes, doctors’ clinics, hospitals and even during plane flights.

It is definitely thrilling to foresee that I may play a crucial role in saving lives, as well as providing a key role in preventing disease and complications among individuals under my care. Nurses function as essential members of a healthcare program, and I would like to see myself sharing my capabilities for the good of mankind, even at its simplest level of care. I would also want to be a nurse so that I could educate patients on how to manage their sick family members at home.

There is nothing more important than helping people improve their way of lives through teaching them the proper way to identify symptoms that indicate that medical attention should be sought as quickly as possible. I would like to spend my time doing something worthwhile, such as assisting children in healthcare. I would also want to be a nurse because such effort to help people would be priceless, yet this endeavor will give me the satisfaction that I have spent my years doing something good.

Should there be a chance, I would also want to acquire further training in nursing, and possibly become a nurse practitioner in the future. Such specialization provides a better interaction between patients and the healthcare provider, because it provides a more personal approach into patient diagnosis. I am eager to start my training in the field of nursing because I would like to make full use of my talents and capabilities in helping sick individuals in the hospitals and clinics.

I think I am emotionally, mentally, physically and intellectually ready to pursue a career in nursing, and I am highly driven to excel in this field. There are so many choices of profession for an individual, yet the field of nursing has the strongest appeal to me and my personality and capabilities. The relevance of being a nurse in a healthcare facility strongly attracts me, and I have been greatly interested in joining the field of healthcare and help save lives.

References Westendorf JJ (2007): The nursing shortage: recruitment and retention of current and future nurses. Plast. Surg. Nurs. 27(2):93-7.

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