What is Drug Abuse?

The most common notion on drug abuse is the act of using drugs that can either affect an individual’s psychological system or enhance an individual’s performance. It is to be noted that taking in or using such drugs is not really intended for medical and therapeutic treatment. The most frequently abused drugs are the following: alcohol, amphetamines, barbiturates, cocaine, opium alkaloids, methaqualone, and minor tranquilizers. (Karch, 2006) There are different definitions of drug and alcohol abuse. They vary according to the scope in which the term drug and alcohol abuse is being examined and analyzed.

By public health definition, drug and alcohol abuse is seen as a problem that is directed towards the concept of “use vs. abuse” of drugs. It is illustrated by showing a transition of attitude regarding drugs from merely using them as cures for particular sicknesses into totally abusing them by becoming so dependent with them. The focus of the definition of the drug and alcohol abuse here is on the roles played by the society and culture as well as the availability of such drugs. (Karch, 2006) By mass communication definition, drug abuse is a term used to encompass all types of drug abuse.

The term is being used to catch the attention of the people regarding certain issues on illicit drugs. It is not directed towards a particular or specific kind of drug abuse but more on the general description of it. Such definition is often manifested on the news that are seen on televisions, internet, printed materials such as magazines, newspapers, flyers, etc. and heard on radios. (Karch, 2006) By medical definition, drug abuse is more termed as substance abuse. The focus of this definition is the effects, either physically or psychologically, of the abused substances.

In addition, treatment and prevention of such drug and alcohol abuse are the main tasks of the medical institutions with regards to the drug and alcohol abuse. (Karch, 2006) Lastly, by political definition, drug and alcohol abuse is more likely inclined on the concept of what does it take to say that a particular drug is being used illegally. The focus here is on the legality of the concept of illegal drugs and illegal use of it. (Karch, 2006) What is Alcohol Abuse? Alcohol abuse is also included on the list of most common drugs that are being abused.

On the other hand, there are more specific problems and effects that alcohol abuse brings to particular societies and communities. Alcohol abuse pertains to the act of being alcohol-dependent. It refers to the overuse and even misuse of alcohol. Such eventually leads to alcoholism, which can severely damaged mental and physical processes of the body. Being alcoholic means that the drinker cannot control the urge of taking in alcohol in such a way that even if he already perceives the harmful effects of it to his system. (Sales, 1999)

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?Definition of Drugs and Drug Abuse; Where We Stand Today. Drugs are substances that people use to enhance their performance in sports, physical activities and just mainly to perform daily activities. Mainly, there is probably no precise definition of drugs, …

Regardless of the region or country, the effects that can be caused by drug and alcohol abuse are the same. First and foremost, it has bad effects on the health of the individual who is abusing it. The effects on …

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