Cancer Case Study

1. What are some differences between Judy and Mariah that might make Judy more “at risk” for skin cancer than Mariah? (2 points) It is possible that Judy’s mother may have had a cancerous mole and could have passed on to Judy a mutated gene of the tumor suppressor.

2. What observations did Judy make concerning her mole? How could they have used the ABCDE’s of skin cancer assessment to further assist their observations? (2 points) She observed that her mole had become itchy, it had grown in size and it had changed in color as well. The ABCDE’s of skin cancer assessment is measuring if the mole is asymmetrical, if the borders are even, if the color has changed, if the diameter has grown and lastly if the mole is evolving. This skin cancer assessment could have given Judy a better idea of what she was looking for.

3. Should Judy be concerned? Why or why not? (2 points) If Judy talked with her mother and found that she did have cancer, I would think that Judy should be concerned. However, if that is not the case then I would wait for the biopsy before being concerned.

Part II—”The Basics of Cancer”

Questions 1. Considering the differences between a benign tumor and a malignant tumor, why might a benign tumor be easier to treat? (3 points) The growth of a benign tumor is not growing out of control. That makes it easier for doctors to remove it. But in a malignant tumor that is growing out of a control, it is a lot difficult for doctors to be able to remove all the cancerous genes.

2. Judy learned that every single person has these cell cycle genes so cells in our body can divide when necessary. What are some normal circumstances where our bodies might need to make more cells? Why is the skin continuously replacing its main cell and what specific damages to the skin would there be a need to make more cells? (3 points) Since our body is continually growing it is important for normal cells to make more cells. Because the skin is exposed the environment it is constantly in need of repair. For example, you get a cut on your skin or scratch, it is important for cells to divide and repair itself.

3. Every person has these cell cycle proto-oncogenes, but not every person has cancer. Why might this be the case? (3 points) Proto-oncogenes can only cause cancer if they become mutated. They can become mutated by cigarettes and UV lights (a few examples) can cause the proto-oncogenes to mutate and cause cancer.

Part III—”Like Mother, Like Daughter? “

Questions 1. Now that you know a little more, what are the risk factors that increase a person’s chances of having melanoma? Besides the ABCDE’s, what other signs/symptoms can melanoma present with on a patient? (2 points) Cigarette smoking, extensive exposure to UV light, weakened immune system, and family history are all risk factors that increase skin cancer. If a mole has appeared and it looks way to different that all the other moles surrounding it could be a sign that melanoma could present.

2. How does sunlight contribute to the development of melanoma? (2 points) The UV light in the sun causes the skin to produce extra melatonin to protect the skin. To much exposer to the sun can cause mutation to these genes that could cause an abnormal growth of skin cells (tumors) that could be benign or malignant.

3. What does it mean to be predisposed to getting cancer? If you inherit a mutated cell cycle gene, does that automatically mean that you will get cancer some day? If you inherit a mutated cell cycle gene and participate in risky behaviors such as sunbathing, does that mean that you will automatically get cancer some day? (4 points) It means that you are at a higher risk or that you are more liable to getting cancer, for example if someone in your family has had cancer before. If you have a mutated cell gene does not mean you automatically get cancer, because everyone has two copies of the cell gene, which could prevent you from getting cancer. If you inherited a mutated cell gene and you expose yourself to risky behaviors, you are putting yourself at higher risk to getting cancer. Because those risky behaviors could damage your one good gene and cause it to mutate and cause you cancer.

4. What is the prevalence and occurrence for Melanoma? What are the treatment options and success rates for melanoma? (2 points) Too much exposure to UV light is the common cause for melanoma. Surgical removal of the melanoma is the most common treatment and usually has a 90% success rate. Skin Cancer Foundation. (2014, January 11). Retrieved October 15, 2014, from http://www. skincancer. org/skin-cancer-information/melanoma Godman, H. (2014, March 17). What Are the Prognosis and Survival Rates for Melanoma by Stage? Retrieved October 15, 2014, from http://www. healthline. com/health-slideshow/melanoma-prognosis-and-survival-rates#3.

What are some differences between Judy and Mariah that might make Judy more “at risk” for skin? cancer than Mariah? Judy had a pasty white skin. Therefore, her skin had less melanin than Mariah who had black hair and more …

Genes are found in every cell of your body, controlling how each cell functions. Mutations in genes, either inherited from your mother and father or from damage that occurred during a person’s life, contribute to the growth and development of …

Scenario: At the family medicine practice where you are a nurse, you are taking care of Nosmo King, a 76 year old African American, who has arrived for his annual check-up. After being evaluated by his physician, Mr. King asks …

The word melanoma comes from the Greek words, melas (black) and -oma (tumour). It is a very serious cancer that most often occurs in the skin and less frequently in the eye or in the lining of the nose, mouth, …

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