Week 6 Assignment Compatible

Please answer the case study questions, showing your work where applicable. Each question is worth 5 points. CASE 1 A patient is prescribed a pain medication with the directions: i tab PO q 12h The patient takes the first dose upon waking at 8:30 am. 1. When should the second dose be taken? The next dose will be at 8:30 PM. 2. Read pages 146 and 147 in the textbook and then express your answer using international standard time. International time is based upon 24hours instead of the standard 12 hours. 8:30 pm =12 + 830 =2030 CASE 2 A patient is going to be given an injection for arthritis.

The medication comes in a vial that needs to be stored at 20°C to 25°C. 1. Read pages 147-150 in your textbook. Convert this temperature to Fahrenheit. 20°C = (20 * 1. 8) = 36 + (32) = 68° Fahrenheit to 25°C = (25 * 1. 8) = 45 + (32) = 77°Fahrenheit 2. Would this medication be stored in the refrigerator? No, this medication does not need to be refrigerated. It is keep at room temp. CASE 3 A mother calls the clinic because her son is not feeling well. You ask if the son has a fever and she responds that his temperature is 72°C. 1. Referring to pages 147-150 in your textbook.

Convert this temperature to Fahrenheit. 72°C = F° = (9/5C°) + 32 = (72 * 9) = 648 ? 5 = (129. 6) + 32 = 161. 6° Fahrenheit 2. DOES HER SON HAVE A FEVER? I FEEL THIS IS THE INCORRECT SUBJECTIVE READING FROM THE mother. Yes, this is a very high body temperature if correct reading is valid; her son would have a high fever and would most likely die. CASE 4 In a “24 hour” walk-in clinic, immunizations are given only on Mondays between 0715 and 1115. 1. Which statement best describes these hours? A) Monday morning only A. Monday morning only B. Monday morning through Monday evening.

1 C. Monday morning and afternoon D. Monday evening only 2. The clinic decides to offer immunizations on Saturday between 10 am and 2 pm. How would you express this in international standard time? You can refer to pages 146 and 147 in your textbook. Answer: Between 1000 hours — 1400 hours injections are given. CASE 5 Annie is 3 years old and is being seen for what appears to be an ear infection. Annie’s mother asks if it is safe to give Annie children’s aspirin because she has some at home. Her husband takes it as a “blood thinner. ” 1. What is your response to Annie’s mother?

Anne’s mother cannot give Annie children’s aspirin, it may cause Reye syndrome even at small doses, seek doctor’s advice for the fever first, as she will need a prescription to treat her ear infection anyway (WebMD, 2013). 2. Annie will be given an antibiotic. Her mother mentions that she is allergic to penicillin. What are some checks and balances that should be in place at the physician’s office and in the pharmacy to ensure that errors are not made with patients with allergies to certain antibiotics?

Her medical chart needs to be flagged for allergies to penicillin, she would be advised to wear a medical alert bracelet, and the pharmacy should be called to confirm the allergy to penicillin and penicillin medications. CASE 6 Mr. Smith has arthritis and is also experiencing muscle spasms. The physician prescribes an analgesic and a muscle relaxant. 1. Mr. Smith mentions he likes to have a beer or two after work to help him unwind. Why could alcohol ingestion be dangerous when a patient is taking analgesics?

Mixing alcohol with certain analgesics (especially opioids) will increase absorption of the analgesic leading to significantly increased sedation, and possible respiratory depression. The liver can also be under additional stress and possibly damaged. 2. Mr. Smith mentions he took acetaminophen for the arthritis but it did not provide relief. Why is acetaminophen not very effective in treating arthritis? Answer: Acetaminophen is for mild to moderate pain not for treating inflammation of the joints. 3. What patient education should be provided with muscle relaxants? Muscle relaxants do not heal injuries they just stop muscles spasms.

Instruct the patient he will need physical therapy, exercise, with rest along the way with additional treatments. Include the possible side effects such as: drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, and lightheadedness. 2.

References: Deglin Hopfer, J. (2011). Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses Twelfth Edition. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company. Fulcher, E. F. (2009). PHARMACOLOGY; PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS. ST. LOUIS: SAUNDERS,ELSEVIER. WebMD 2013, WebMD Common Health Topics A-Z – Find reliable health and … www. webmd. com/a-to-z-guides/common-topics.

Please answer the case study questions, showing your work where applicable. Each question is worth 5 points. CASE 1 A patient is prescribed a pain medication with the directions: i tab PO q 12h The patient takes the first dose …

Name: Chantea Braddock Please answer the case study questions, showing your work where applicable. Each question is worth 5 points. Case 1 A patient is prescribed a pain medication with the directions: i tab PO q 12h The patient takes …

1) Infectious Agent a) Describe the Ebola virus, including what type of virus it is (family, DNA or RNA, envelope or not) and how many genes it has. The Ebola virus is a highly infectious disease that has killed many …

Write a 125- to 150-word response to each of the following questions: ? Staphylococcus ? What is the infectious agent (pathogen) that causes this infectious disease? For example, the name of the bacteria, virus, or parasite. A) Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, …

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