Fantastic voyage

Name: Chantea Braddock Please answer the case study questions, showing your work where applicable. Each question is worth 5 points. Case 1 A patient is prescribed a pain medication with the directions: i tab PO q 12h The patient takes the first does upon waking at 8:30 am. 1. When should the second dose be taken? The second dose should be taken at 8:30 pm. 2. Read pages 146 and 147 in the textbook and then express your answer using international standard time.

2030, would be 8:30 pm because the pm symbol tells you this is in 12 hour format and that it is evening, so add one digit for each hour after noon, drop the pm symbol and drop the colon. Case 2 A patient is going to be given an injection for arthritis. The medication comes in a vial that needs to be stored at 20°C to 25°C. 1. Read pages 147-150 in your textbook. Convert this temperature to Fahrenheit. 20°C to 25°C converted to Fahrenheit is 68°F to 77°F. 2. Would this medication be stored in the refrigerator?

No, this medication does not need to be refrigerated because it is stored at the same temperature and room temperature. Case 3 A mother calls the clinic because her son is not feeling well. You ask if the son has a fever and she responds that his temperature is 72°C. 1. Referring to pages 147-150 in your textbook. Convert this temperature to Fahrenheit. 72°C converted to Fahrenheit is 161. 6°F. 2. Does her son have a fever? Yes, her son has a dangerously and deadly high fever. Case 4 In a “24 hour” walk-in clinic, immunizations are given only on Mondays between 0715 and 1115.

1. Which statement best describes these hours? A. Monday morning only B. Monday morning through Monday evening C. Monday morning and afternoon D. Monday evening only 2. The clinic decides to offer immunizations on Saturday between 10 am and 2 pm. How would you express this in international standard time? You can refer to pages 146 and 147 in your textbook. 10 am in international standard time is 1000, and 2 pm in international standard time is 1400. Case 5 Annie is 3 years old and is being seen for what appears to be an ear infection.

Annie’s mother asks if it is safe to give Annie children’s aspirin because she has some at home. Her husband takes it as a “blood thinner. ” 1. What is your response to Annie’s mother? I would recommend using acetaminophen, because aspirin can make a child susceptible to Reye’s syndrome. 2. Annie will be given an antibiotic. Her mother mentions that she is allergic to penicillin. What are some checks and balances that should be in place at the physician’s office and in the pharmacy to ensure that errors are not made with patients with allergies to certain antibiotics?

Some checks and balances that should be put together at the physician’s office and at the pharmacy to ensure errors do not occur are: physician and pharmacy should always ask patients if they have any known allergies, patient should be considered allergic to all penicillin if allergic to any penicillin, and patient with penicillin allergies should wear a form of identification so that they are not inadvertently given penicillin in an emergency situation. Case 6 Mr. Smith has arthritis and is also experiencing muscle spasms.

The physician prescribes an analgesic and a muscle relaxant. 1. Mr. Smith mentions he likes to have a beer or two after work to help him unwind. Why could alcohol ingestion be dangerous when a patient is taking analgesics? The risk for developing hepatotoxicity or liver toxicity can increase, due to the combination of acetaminophen and alcohol consumption. 2. Mr. Smith mentions he took acetaminophen for the arthritis but it did not provide relief. Why is acetaminophen not very effective in treating arthritis?

Acetaminophen is a simple analgesic, the pain caused by arthritis can be extreme and is often a result of inflammation which acetaminophen does not deal with. Patient needs a medication to treat the swelling as well. 3. What patient education should be provided with muscle relaxants? Patient should notify physician if any symptoms occur while taking the medication. Patient needs to be aware the medication can make you tired, drowsy, or lethargic, especially in the elderly. Do not operate heavy machinery or vehicle until you know the drugs reaction.

Please answer the case study questions, showing your work where applicable. Each question is worth 5 points. CASE 1 A patient is prescribed a pain medication with the directions: i tab PO q 12h The patient takes the first dose …

Please answer the case study questions, showing your work where applicable. Each question is worth 5 points. CASE 1 A patient is prescribed a pain medication with the directions: i tab PO q 12h The patient takes the first dose …

Please answer the following case study questions using the knowledge gained in this course. Remember to cite your references in APA format. Answer the questions in complete sentences and spell-check your Assignment. Each question is worth 4 points. Case 1 …

Question 1 The patient should be asked if they have a family history of any disease such as heart disease, cancer or chronic illness. Also ask what kind of medicine they are currently taking . Question 2 Ask what color …

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