Voice problems in elderly with hearing loss

Hearing loss can be considered as one of the prevalent conditions occurring in different age groups specifically the elderly and the adult groups. The condition is even one of the recognized hindrances to the communication process. Due to different causes, the number of the population with the said problem can be considered increasing (Mohr et al. , 2000). Deterioration in the capability of hearing is extensive and common specifically in the elderly.

In the United States, approximately 25 percent of the older members of the population experiences hearing loss and one of the most widely-spread conditions in old people (Kampfe and Smith, 1997). Cases of hearing loss can be attributed to different causes and can be considered as a reason for the development of other medical conditions. Such conditions and cases that are caused by hearing loss is the main focus of the study that was conducted. The main focus of the study revolves on the elderly members of the population.

Background Information on Voice Problems Hearing loss and other forms of auditory abnormalities can be related to the problems in oral communication. On the basis of different studies the speech and voice is one of the most important expression and indications on problems related to auditory malfunction (Bagai, Thavendiranathan and Detsky, 2006). It can be perceived that voice and related faculties of oral communication can be affected in the process of hearing deterioration in different ages but most importantly during the later stage of life.

It is important to consider that the development of the normal voice ability can be related to the capacity to hear. In the said case, hearing loss that can occur during aging in the later stage of life can cause different abnormalities and even the capacity to communicate which is only one of the areas that can be affected by such case. Through the notion of difficulty in communication, the interaction and the ability to communicate with other people is greatly affected (Kampfe and Smith, 1997).

Although this is the case, the resolution to such cases can be a challenge due to the fact that different conditions normally arise in the old age. This is due to the fact that the human body deteriorates in terms of the capacity to maintain the well being of its components. For that matter, in cases wherein hearing loss in adults occur, it is considered inevitable, thus, even the effects that it can brought about can be difficult to prevent (Bagai, Thavendiranathan and Detsky, 2006; Kampfe and Smith, 1997). Thus, age can then be considered as an important factor in the study of conditions such as hearing loss.

This is due to the fact that age can be considered as a result of processes related to abnormalities and even genetically-related factors. Specifically in the ear hearing loss results from either or both cases of pathological and physiological factors. The reality of the conditions affecting the auditory capacity of the person cannot be distinguished on the bases of the cause. The case that often matter is the effect that can be any of the health aspects such as the physical, the functions and even related to the mental facts (Liu and Yan, 2007).

The main focus of the study, then, is the cause and effect relationship between the problems in voice and the faculties of oral communication as caused by the hearing loss and other auditory problems that can lead to the expression …

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