Visit in hospital

Dipen was a really lucky man after the doctor told him that he could play football again after his long lay off. About 4four years ago he was injured after getting mugged and beaten and after being stabbed. Many professional footballers came to visit him in hospital when he was injured. The doctors thought the young star would be out for a very long time, but has recovered in a very short time. He talked to his parents about his career and they said “son it is now up two you on your future”.

He went to school and asked all his teachers and friends whether to take a medical degree or a football degree. Most of the people told him to take a medical degree because football is a very dangerous sport and anything could happen while playing. He went to the library and asked Mr George to give him some information about football and a medical degree. He hardly found any information so he decided to visit the careers library to see Mr Baggio who told him advantages and disadvantages between the two. Dipen was told he need an A-A* to take a medical

He made a visit to his parents to talk about his degree, and they were very happy with his choice because it will benefit him throughout in his life. He made his decision to talk to some clubs over his future, and wrote to clubs that he really loved like Arsenal.Dipen had written to many other clubs. He had never thought of the matter that English league is almost double harder than African league. Weeks passed and finally one day he got all the letters altogether about clubs interested in him, and he decided that he is joining a club which may give him a first team place.

I will be the next Diego Maradona in the future; this is because he is a legend for his club and country. Clubs all round the world will be after my signature. My dream clubs that I will play for are Arsenal, Juventus, Barcelona and some more that I will not mention. I shall go to many interviews and embarrass clubs like Liverpool, Manchester United and Real Madrid. Many European clubs will try to sign me because of my talent in football. I will only accept wages that reach my standards e.g. Arsenal will offer me $300,000 and teams like Manchester United offer me $50 pounds a week. I will go to Arsenal because Manchester United will forget to pay me and bring up excuses like we have financial troubles.

My strike partner will be Finidi Baggio because he is a very talented player, nearly as good as me. I will start my career at Arsenal and score a Hat trick in all 38 games of the season, and after seeing my performance Real Madrid will offer Arsenal $197,000,000 (one hundred and ninety seven million dollars) and I will reject the transfer because I will be worth way more. FIFA will give me player of the year every season of my career. The world cup will be Kenya’s for the 6th time and will obviously win the golden boot award again. I shall get married to the daughter of Elvis Presley, Lopez Presley. We will have three children and after use contraception.

I will be a legend for my country, and so mini young semi-professional footballers can learn from me. When I am forty I will retire and divorce my wife, as she will be getting white hair and hopefully losing some hair. I will divorce her because I do not want to be a husband of someone that looks like Shirag or Ronaldo.I will give my wife 10% of my money so she can take care of all my children and with some of my other money I will buy myself a beautiful stripper wife, At 69 I will die with lack of sperm and hope to be buried at the Dipen Lopez Presley Patel Stripper residents football ground and will get buried in the middle of football ground.

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