Virtual health care

The next phase which just come after it is the staffing. Staffing means to hire those professional who can become the asset for the system. Highly trained professional are the key to run any specified developed system. Staff should be hired according to the peculiarities of the system as well as they must know about the basic techniques and passes that the system uses to maintain and develop a database This is another requirement of the centralized system that it should prevent the user from replication of the data.

That’s why planning is also important to develop that protocols or strategies that maintain the integrity of the system. The system planning should meet all the prerequisites which are essential centralized organizing and development structure. The next phase would be the training of the staff members. Training sessions are very much necessary for the staff as from these sessions they will be able to know that what is the strategy and what are the procedures that have to be performed and how.

The staff should be allowed to use the system so that they can come to know the functionality of the system and then the session should move further. Additional technical staff should also be hired so that in case of any malfunction or fault or these technical staff members can easily trace and remove the errors that prevent system integrity. The staff should also be prepared for any kind of possible emergency situation. A full dress rehearsal to cope some fabricated fault condition easily completes the purpose of efficient staff consideration.

With the help of this the staff can also find their loop holes and weak points while they work. After making sure that the staff is properly trained the go live session can be started. It means to train the staff in the actual environment of EMR. In which they face real data and real problem not on a macro level but on micro level. This helps the staff to feel and calculate the actual volume of data as well as the types and data occurrences. Time to time system development also has to done in term of further development and modifications in the basic controls and in the interfaces.

Software and hardware updates are necessary for the smooth functional of an electronic medical record system after a specified time period. Modifications in different report although seems very much similar with the above but their nature is some how unique. Actually reports are the sources of overall information regarding any specific organization. (Pennell, 1) After this necessary infrastructure we have to follow some specific model to run on to that centralized system. A model that represents the ethical, logical, socio economical and technological issues in the centralized system.

We have to adopt the model due to the reason that it is only possible for an electronic medical record system to protect itself from self malfunctioning is to follow some specified rules and regulation for the integrity and emergence of the data. For that purpose we can adopt a model based on better connectivity called as virtual health care. This approach based on connectivity between health care provider means effective communication medium and better coordination techniques.

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