Virtual Reality

Virtual reality over the past few years has become a repository for our culture to explore and experience our world in a different way. The concept was developed to expand our physical and sensory powers. VR is computer-generated simulation in which users can enter, interact, and immersed another environment. Thanks to modern technologies the possibilities are endless when it comes to virtual reality. In this paper I will explain what virtual reality is, then I will discuss the uses of virtual reality how it affect us, the systems used to make virtual reality possible, and the future of VR.

Virtual reality is an artificial environment that is created with software and presented to the user in such a way that the user suspends belief and accepts it as a real environment. In 1950 Morton Heiling was named the father of Virtual Reality he invented the Sensorama Machine in 1957. “It is a simulator for one to four people that provides the illusion of reality using a 3-D motion picture with smell, stereo sound, vibrations of the seat, and wind in the hair to create the illusion.

” The concept of VR is based on the human desire to escape the boundaries of real life. The simulation displays a 3-D artificial world that allows the user to be interactively in a virtual environment that mimics the real world by using two of the five senses sight and sound. Three-dimensional images can seem like life sized from the perspective of the user. The objective is to manipulate objects and exploring this VR world while feeling as though it’s real. There have been a dozens of devices and application that have been designed to achieve this goal.

In this computer-generated imaginary environment the user can move around builds, go on adventures, and manipulate objects. The uses of Virtual Reality are endless technology has been utilized in many different occupations to help teaching processes and achieve better quality investigation on digital imaging. Applications involved with VR are immense they include extensive systems simulations like: surgical procedures, battlefields, aviation, therapy, and gaming these applications have reshaped the way our culture analysis information.

Medicine is one of the major areas for VR the stimulation applies to medical staff to visualize complex medical data, surgical planning, and surgery procedures. Surgeon use VR for training purposes to navigate through the human body to find the best surgical technique that would have minimum damage. The simulation is controlled by a robotics and the surgeon can get interactive views of areas within the patient. Virtual reality has been useful in a three areas of surgeries such as endoscopic surgery, open surgery, and radiosurgery.

The military conducts training programs that uses VR to prepare soldiers for various combat situations. In the late 1920’s and 1930’s Link Company built flight trainers to teach soldiers how to use flying instruments. The simulation gave the illusion of being in an actual cockpit the system also gave realistic reading on the panel. The flight trainer taught pilots the skills they needed to operate a plane at night during WWII. Today, there are several devices used for military training.

Jonathan Strickland wrote an article on VR military applications teach soldiers how to handle military vehicles in difficult conditions weathered it be on land or in water. “FCS” stands for future combat system which consists of battle command systems to allow users to control and operate vehicles and weapons. Other application can formulate land strategies in a virtual environment. Virtual environment training program prepare soldier for emergency situations by placing them in an actual scenario.

Flight simulators are used to recreate aircraft flight to for pilots, and military training. The purpose of this application is to see how the aircraft reacts to external environments due to weather. Pilots get a realistic perspective of the aircrafts controls system, sounds, and motions. The training teaches pilots to maneuver through dangerous situations unharmed. The national institute for aviation research use virtual reality to prevent accidents and save lives. Engineers at the research center exercise techniques to analyze the disappearance of Amelia Earhart aircraft.

In doing so they were able to recreate her aircraft by researching the data they received from National Geographic. Researcher then setup a virtual reality aircraft model that may explain what happen if the craft crashed into the Pacific Ocean. Another area where VR has played vital role is therapy for year’s psychologists have been treating patients with phobias and post-traumatic stress disorder by exposing to a safe environment to face their fears. This allows patients to confront feelings or considerations that may be hard to discuss with a therapist face to face.

The goal of VR in therapy is to help patients gain cognizance and take appropriate steps to overcome these anxieties. Overall, psychologist look at three dimensions that construct empowerment with VR technology they are: “perceived control: This includes beliefs about authority, decision-making skills, availability of resources, and autonomy in the scheduling and performance of work. Perceived competence: This reflects role-mastery, which, besides requiring the skillful accomplishment of one or more assigned tasks, also requires successful coping with non-routine role-related situations.

Goal internalization: This dimension captures the energizing property of a worthy cause or exciting vision provided by the organizational leadership. VR theraphy is a special, sheltered setting where patients can start to explore and act without feeling threatened. ”(Virtual reality 2012, Para. 5). Virtual reality for entertainment was developed for people to live a second life. Users can create their own worlds without any boundaries. In a second life world you can create your own avatar and journey through fictional landscapes.

“Second Life Entertainment Market, 80% of avatar time in Second Life is spent on entertainment activities, totaling just over 16 hours per week – more than all other forms of their real life entertainment combined. ”( Second Life Entertainment 2012, Para. 1). But their fantasy player can create avatars to describe their personalities and go on guest. The largest virtual game in the world is World of War craft if has 11. 5 million subscribers. Reference.

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