vEvaluation of the nursing Theory’s Significance

First on the onset, there are arguments whether theories in nursing are of nursing. Theories in, of or in nursing are just grammatical arguments and adjective phrase such as nursing theory or practice theory places nursing as a qualifier. Two behavioral aspects are in existence; technical patient care and professional nursing care and these types of behavioral engagement in by nursing makes it difficult to develop a unified theory of nursing or rather nursing theory.

It has been proved that theories exhibit significance in them and nursing is taking that direction of developing its own theory as a stage or level of new development. One main significance of this theory is the urge it has given to the professional in nursing to start doing research. Nursing theory is pushing the nursing profession to different and higher height through research. The value of developing a nursing theory is necessary and more desirable and than ever before.

The breadth of our knowledge is improving and increasing drastically and philosophically by accepting a variety of nursing behaviors with nursing as profession which in return is determining the direction of this development. The theory has opened doors for many debates on a variety of issues in nursing that predict improvement in every phase of the profession. Moreover, the nursing profession has been challenged to implement worthwhile responses to its problems by developing theories.

This is a positive way forward and a significant notion after arguments were raised about nursing theories. The theory of nursing itself is questionable after critically thinking about it, no wonder some nurses who are research oriented will question its significance. Nevertheless there are many underline relevant values of professionalism and appropriateness. Nursing theory is a single entity and it has significantly eliminated discriminatory conditions under which generalized theory was instrumental.

This precisely means, it has opened ways for discussion and coming up of other theories. If it were not the emergence of nursing theory our theories could not have surface especially practice theory which is but yet within the nursing theory. The nursing theory not like any other else, has motivated nurses whereby they have realized that it is not only research that can bring forth or identify the specific significance of nursing, but professionalism in practicing nursing must or should be the foundation and the origin of theory invention.

Practicing encompasses the clinical part of it as a practice and the care to patients as a social practice. This the theory nurses should use their to acquire knowledge. Nursing theory has invented and demonstrated conceptual system discovered to serve a requisite purpose. The theory has been elevated to fourth level for the reason that it is a situational-producing theory as it shapes the reality. The other significance it has produced professionals and not mere academics.

Due to the raging debate over nursing theory action oriented people or rather professionals have come out to prove nursing theories a reality by articulating their purposes. Nursing theory has also expounded the knowledge base of many nurses and other professionals in the field. This theory has also raised queries that now have engaged many people especially nurses to go for scientific investigations to prove these theories correct or wrong nevertheless this is a positive way forward to stimulate personal thoughts and further thinking about nursing as a professional object.

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