Evaluation of a Nursing Theory

A nursing theory is very interesting but when discussed within its context. The sole primary element of and in nursing is first practice, which implies that nursing exists for the reason that there is a group of people to be served.

Theory in nursing authenticates and confirms the services towards this group of people. Theory makes available mechanisms for accepting situations of any nature and provides a platform to effectively control outcomes or consequences. Moreover, theories in nursing subsist for the provision of meaning to the nursing experience. Experiences of which are real and identifiable in nursing circumstances.

It has been unanimously accepted that the purpose of theory is to provide meaning to the nursing experience. In nursing knowing and doing are two things in one. Doing is practicing what the nurse knows. Therefore, in the evaluation of the nursing theory, the main issue to be analyzed is the theories scope, content and context or perspective.

There are various theories in nursing which include practice theory and nursing theory. The interrelationship of nursing theories is exclusively unique as the two theories can be referred to as nursing practice theory. They take oneness dimension at a time and yet they are two separate theories.

Management practice innovations are done almost in every organization at a tremendous rate. But the big question in the nursing profession is what the difference between theory and practice is? People generate a theory through the traditional practice i. e. …

The theory content means the holding capacity of this particular theory i. e. the nursing theory. First and foremost the nursing theory and addresses one of the primary elements of professional nursing which is the practice content. No matter how …

Nursing theory must offer the standards that support practice and assist in creating additional nursing knowledge (Colley, 2003). There exist continuing contentions on nursing theory and what comprises nursing knowledge, but no clear conclusions have been made. Nurses become confused …

First on the onset, there are arguments whether theories in nursing are of nursing. Theories in, of or in nursing are just grammatical arguments and adjective phrase such as nursing theory or practice theory places nursing as a qualifier. Two …

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