Verbal and non-verbal

Tony has had most of this side from when they were around 8 years of age so he already will have them disciplined and they can answer for their own actions at this age so being a role model would not be such a huge part of his coaching at such a late stage. From an early age he has educated them so all he has to really do is train them and work at the skills they already have and help improve their fitness levels so they can meet the demand of the game. His main three roles as a coach would be a trainer, manager and friend. With an experienced Sunday league football team, he has to keep working with the team and push forward form where he is. They are educated, and disciplined from an early age.


Both these coaches have very good communication skills. Most communication skills in football are built on respect. Once a coach has gained respect from his players they can communicate much better and once they are communicating better they will improve, if a team has bad communication, they can never improve or work well together. Many coaches feel that the most effective type of communication is all about talking and telling performers how and what to do. Communication is a two way process.

Receiving the signal is as important as sending the signal whether is verbally or non -verbally. Coaches should think very carefully about the way they communicate and spend as much time listening as they would do talking. How a coach sends a signal to a performer can have a very big impact on the effectiveness and interpretation of that signal. There are two types of communication, verbal and non-verbal. Many think that verbal is just talking or shouting, but if a coach is constantly shouting they will become less effective and the performer(s) may ignore the signal. Therefore they should vary the tone, pace and volume of their specific messages.

Organisation skills are very well worked with both men. A team that is not organised might as well not be together, and they need someone to pull the strings to keep it together. Sir Alex has become very successful due to his organisation skills. He has his team at every session, same warm up everyday. Has his perfect side set every week and has back up plans on his bench for any injury that can occur. Tony has a harder way of organising since he only trains his team once a week and they have one game every Saturday. His organising skills are good with arranging his team early on, he makes phone calls on a Monday morning to make sure he has 16 players for the Saturday coming, he can arrange his first eleven, n work with them on a Thursday night.

A coach needs good analysing and problem solving skills to take advantage and help them win games. If you can see a weakness in a team and can take advantage, it shows good signs of coach. Sir Alex is one of the best coaches in football for analysing and problem solving. He can turn games around with one substitute. Tony is the same, can move his side around, change systems and make a difference. The only advantage Sir Alex has is that he has elite players for every position so he can exploit any part of a pitch where as Tony has to assess more around since there will be a few weak areas. Both these coaches recognise that analysing people’s actions is also about instructing them what to do.

It does not only apply to in game situations. Carefully observing a performer while they are practising a skill, undergoing a training session, or competing, gives the coach a lot of useful information. The ability to observe performers and then to compare their performance with the desired performance is the basis of analysis. When coaching, not everything will run perfectly how you want it to. A coach must be able to identify when things have gone wrong and be able to determine the exact reason for the problem. Then the coach must be able to pick out the right solutions to rectify the problem. This requires logical thinking and reasoning.

They must be able to re-think an approach to a particular coaching situation. Four problems a coach will mainly be faced with will be; the performer may not be able to carry out a certain skill being taught. The coach will then have to try and figure out why the performer is not being successful and then try a different practice to see if the performer can grasp the skill. The second is that a certain pitch or court may not be available at particular times so therefore the coach must make alternative plans to solve the problem. One big difficulty that occurs a lot is that your team may find it difficult to deal with a certain tactic that your are using or that the opposing team are using. The coach will then have to find a way of dealing with their opponents and overcoming the problem.

Both coaches have good evaluation skills. They can easily pick out the positives and negatives from any game and know how to improve or go further. Every manager has to be able to do this so they can improve weak points in their team when either attacking or defending. Having good evaluation skills is essential for all coaches. These two coaches are like all coaches around. All coaches are always keen to asses and pass on comments on their performer’s abilities and the way that they have performed. The only down point is that they very rarely look back on their own performances, but if they do they will usually focus on what worked well. Effective evaluation of a coaching session should always be impartial and identify good and bad points. Honesty is the main key to a good evaluation because this will allow the coach to learn from their mistakes and improve their own skills.

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