UV protection

Selecting sunglasses. Each and every person must wear any kind of eye protection from the harmful heat of the sun. The excessive eye exposure to the rays of the sun can lead to extreme eyesight damage, such as loss of vision, cataracts and the most severe can be cancer, this is why it is so important to wear and choose the right pair of sunglasses. Fortunately, majority of the manufacturers of sunglass offer protection from the sun, they do this by showing the percentage of the UV protection and their labels with UVA and UVB.

The UV stands for Ultraviolet Radiation while the different wavelengths of it are the UVA and UVB. Ultraviolet radiation can cause cataracts and skin aging; therefore, sunglasses should offer extreme protection from it. The best pair of eyeglasses should have a 99-100% protection form UV. It is also essential to have a pair of sunglasses which will safeguard the sides of the eyes against the rays of the sun. The light can get through by the sides of the eyeglasses, given that the lenses are small, which can then damage the eye as well.

The ideal pair will be the wrap-around types which will defend against that issue because it goes around the person’s sides of the head (Hasty 2006). The sunglasses must not have too dark lenses. For the reason that, besides being effetcive at blocking the rays of the sun, the sunglasses must permit the person to see clearly; most importantly when driving, if the lenses are too dark has nothing much to do with UV protection since it is just the color of the lens itself, therefore the very essence of choosing the color of the lenses is considering the UV protection it can give.

Lastly, the high-priced sunglasses are not the best at eye protection from the sun. These can look the coolest, but may not really provide the needed protection. Essentially, even a cheap pair of sunglasses may offer great UV protection and thus may served its purpose (Hasty 2006). Colour. Vibrant color combinations include think prints, dots and stripes. Nowadays patterns are back covering the inside and outside of both eyeglasses and sunglasses.

With mini designer or tiny patterns logos lining the interior of the frame or just the temple undercover some most interesting styles. Animal prints show a little bit of a wild side and specially flavor up the frames (Business Wire 2007). After having gone through some of the factors that may affect purchase of fahion eyewear, it may be worthwhile to transition into a discussion of relationship marketing and its principles. Defining Relationship Marketing

The theoretical values of relationship marketing are organic and developing in new beliefs and direction as it faces changes in the market place (Christopher, 1999; Gummesson, 2002b) as well as changes in the methodologies and tools (Perry & Gummesson, 2004) with which to assess it. For example, relationship marketing has often been seen as a means of creating value with individual customers (Gordon, 1998), “marketing based on interactions within networks of relationships” (Gummeson, 2002b), interactions stages of development (Sharma, 1994), customer retention (Reichheld & Sasser 1990).

While relationship marketing has often been defined as the relationship between the company and the customer, recent literature has also introduced the concept of being concerned with other parties external to the company, such as distributors, suppliers, etc. (Christopher et al. , 1999). This variation may be attributed to the differences in interpretation of phenomena; Gummesson (2003) points out the interpretation-research connection: “Let’s stop fooling ourselves: All research is interpretive!… There is interpretation all along, from the very start of the project until the very end. ”

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