Training schedule

Purpose/aim of the programme in relation to prior fitness, performance levels and any injuries/health problems. The aim of my circuit is to improve my skills or fitness in a particular sport. I have chosen to base my circuit on football. The skills/fitness that I need to improve are my stamina, agility, balance and co-ordination. I need each of these skills/fitness in my sport because: I need to be able to run with the ball for a fairly long period of time and be able to keep control of it. This means that I need a lot of stamina and agility to avoid other players.

I need balance so that I can improve my long and short distance kicking and be able to dodge other players with ease. I need to improve my football skills on the pitch, to do this I need to put a lot of effort into improving my co-ordination. I am also fairly bad at heading the ball so I need to improve my agility and co-ordination in order to do my best. I currently do not participate in any out of school clubs. For this reason my circuit will not start as extensive as someone who plays for a football team/club.

I will try and specifically make my programme so that I will be able to improve my own fitness/skills. I am hoping that by making the programme specific to me, it will improve my fitness and skills much more than if I used someone else’s programme. I have already taken a pre-test and I tested five different fitness’s. I tested my power, flexibility, balance, fitness, hamstrings and quadriceps. I did this by doing a sit and reach test, a balance test, a broad jump, a press up test and a sit up test. I will than repeat these tests after completing my training schedule and I will be able to measure my improvement.

I also did a less extensive version of the circuit and I found out that id I increased the overload steadily than I would still be able to complete the circuit. I have never had any serious injuries, which would affect my progression through the circuit. The only problem is that I will be doing the schedule during the summer months and I may have to take my drugs to stop me getting hay fever. These drugs slow down my reactions, so I will try as much as possible not to use them. Awareness of safety/equipment/apparatus physical and physiological. Whilst doing the programme there are many risks, which can affect me.

These include small injuries, such as falling over, and more serious ones, like breaking a bone or pulling a muscle. Whilst dribbling the ball I could fall over and injure my legs. When hopping there is the same risk as dribbling a ball. There is not much I can do to stop these; all I can do is try and avoid any accidents. When doing fartlek training I could easily pull a muscle, so to avoid it I could try and avoid putting too much overload into the activity. When using weights I should take care and try not to over-work my muscles. This should try and follow a lot of rules to make sure I do not injure myself.

If I do injure myself, than reversibility will happen. This is when I cannot continue to improve my fitness and it starts to get worse the longer I am unable to do the circuit. One way I could stop this is that I could try making some small exercises which make sure there is not too much reversibility and that I stay at the same level of fitness. In order to prepare my body for the circuit I will have to design a warm up for me to do before the circuit. The warm-up reduces the possibility of injury and makes the muscles more responsive and able to contract and relax.

The warm-up also stimulates the nervous system and makes the person more alert and aware, making them psychologically prepared for the circuit. These warm ups will include exercises to stretch my quadriceps, hamstrings, deltoids and gastrocnemius. I need to stretch my quadriceps (quads) because they allow the leg to bend and straighten. The hamstrings need to be warmed up because they allow the movement of the hips and the knee. The deltoids allow the shoulders to move in all directions and the gastrocnemius (calf) assists in walking, running and jumping movements. All of these movements are needed in a match of football.

After the circuit I will need to warm down. This is when, instead of stopping completely after you have completed your circuit, you continue it but at a reduced rate. This usually has either gentle walking or flexibility exercises. The reason you do this is because when you finish the circuit your heart is still beating at a fast rate. If you suddenly stop working your muscles you can make the blood “pool” in your veins and waste materials are not removed. This can cause stiffness and soreness. Safety is particularly important for anyone taking part in a physical activity.

When doing the circuit all of the equipment used should be used correctly otherwise it could result in someone being injured. The correct clothing should be worn for each activity. For example, you cannot wear a sumo wrestlers clothes whilst you play a game of rugby. This would result in a lot of injury. I will have to make sure that I do not misuse any equipment I use and try and act appropriately when using it. I will also have to make sure that I wear the correct clothing when doing different activities. I will have to make sure that when I practise my passing I wear the correct footwear, football boots, and use them properly.

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