Training Programme

For my PE coursework, I will be analysing the performance of my classmate, Martin Raynes and he will be doing the same for me. We will be analysing each others performance and recording weaknesses. Then, based on this information, we will devise a 6 week training programme to improve these weaknesses and overall skill. The training programme will focus upon the main components of fitness and also upon a balanced diet.

After closely analysing Martin’s performance in a game of football, I have pinpointed weaknesses in his tackling and passing. As he mainly plays as a defender, I will be targeting these weaknesses and improving them through training. I think that some of his weaknesses are due to poor flexibility and cardiovascular endurance. He is a smoker and does not have a balanced diet. Health and Fitness Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Fitness is being in good physical condition; being in shape or in condition. Specific fitness and general fitness General fitness: This is when you can perform daily activities without getting tired.

Specific fitness: To perform in high level sports, specific fitness is a key component. I will incorporate this into Martin’s program that he can get the most from training. I will have to base Martin’s training around cardiovascular endurance and flexibility. In Martin’s case, lower leg strength is required so there is no point in developing his fitness in an area such as reaction. I will develop his fitness in the areas below.

Components of fitness Cardiovascular endurance: The endurance of the heart and the circulatory system to meet demands of long exercise, which is improved by training. Football requires this component of fitness. Cardiovascular endurance can be improved through: The multistage fitness test – 2 parallel lines are 20m apart. A special tape is played which sends out beeps. When a beep is heard, the athlete must run to the opposite line before the next beep. As time goes, the beeps get faster. After several beeps, there is a new level. There are 21 levels in total. This should be recorded and compared to national standards.

12 – Minute coopers run: Athletes must run continually for 12 minutes and measure how far they have run. This should be recorded and compared to national standards. Flexibility: The greatest range of movement possible at a given joint. Football requires great flexibility. It can be improved through many ways: This test involves sitting on the floor with legs out straight ahead. Feet (shoes off) are placed flat against the box. Both knees are held flat against the floor by the tester. The athlete leans forward slowly as far as possible and holds the greatest stretch for two seconds. Make sure there is no jerky movements and that the fingertips remain level and the legs flat. Use a ruler to mark the maximum reach. Record and compare to national standards. Balance: To be able to stand still without moving. Balance is required in all sports including football. A good test for balance would be:  Stork stand test – While blindfolded, stand on one foot only as long as possible. This should be timed and compared to national standards.

I have decided to write a training program because I need to improve my fitness and level of performance in the sport of football. This program links to my sport because it helps improve aspects of my game which I …

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I have been asked to plan a training programme for a particular sport over a period of six weeks. I decided to design the training programme for football. The training programme would improve my cardiovascular fitness, muscular endurance and a …

My weakest sport is Football. My weakest areas are strength, fitness and speed. The skill related fitness required in Football is Agility, Power, Co-ordination, Balance, Speed, Cardiovascular fitness and Muscular endurance. Agility is needed to dribble past an opponent; Power …

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