Time leading to stress

The work stress has got negative effects to the life of that person affected this is because in attempting to balance the work life then the stress is increased meaning that the time that is required for one to spent with his or her family is limited and therefore the stress increases the more this is due to the fact that such a person will be more committed to the work than the family needs.

Most workers make the connection between the work stress and the accidents or illness this is because if one is stressed up then it means that such a person will make mistakes and accidents and the work place and also due to stress then such a person will be out of the work place all the time this is because stress has got the effect of leading to sicknesses and therefore it is not possible for one to work with stress and also the sickness nesses that are persistent to the people are caused by stress.

Stress can be triggered by sudden, unexpected pressures which when they accumulate overtime leads to stress. (Helge, 2000) The work stress is related to the management in that one can be stressed up if he or she is given a company to manage without getting assistance and therefore it means that such a person will not have any time that will help him or her so that rest can be achieved and therefore the body and the mind is ever tired leading to stress in that person.

The relationship at work may lead to stress this is because in any company there are people who can be able to relate with but there are others who can not relate with the rest therefore it means that such a person who will not be able to relate with others will affect the people how to work, this is because if they form a teamwork then it becomes hard for such a person and therefore conflict will result from that particular person who do not want to relate with others and thus the work will not be done accordingly due to this problem as most of the time people will waste time trying to come into agreement.

The organizational set up may lead to stress this is because the organizations that have compact structure will lead to stress because such people will waste a lot of time in making decisions and therefore to come to agreement is not easy as there are many steps that have to be undertaken so that a conclusion is reached therefore it becomes very hard for the people. Having power and control in the work has got stress this is because it is not easy to convince the other workers what they are expected to do and therefore most of there workers become very aggressive leading to problems on how to have control over them.

Therefore the leader will have to apply the skills that one has attained and at the same time try to convince the workers which will be tiresome and wastes a lot of time leading to stress. (Gleninning, 2000) Most of the work related stress signs are: the physical that is the increase in unresistance to colds mad other infections, having digestive problems, one may have skin rashes and having blurred vision.

The emotional and the behavioral signs are: one may have the feeling that he or she can not cope with other; having the feeling that you have achieved nothing at the end meaning that one does not appreciate the work that he or she has done; eating without been hungry this means that one feels that it is good to eat any moment even when he or she is not hungry, one is not able to do the work as expected meaning that the concentration rate is very low and therefore the mind is not able to connect what is expected and therefore leading to less work been done, one may have poor relationship with others meaning that in the work place one becomes very hard to work as a team and therefore such a person creates problems in the team if he or sew is included as one for the team members and lastly losing the motivation and the commitment in that one feels less motivated to do something and therefore no commitment is attained because the person is not motivated to do that job. (Gallagher, 1998) Most of the job stress can be caused by over work where by one is involved in working at late hours, taking the work home if need be and also not having vacations meaning that the person is all the time thinking and working.

Being in the wrong career in that if one has taken a course that does not fit him or her then it means that such a person will have stress this is because it will take a lot of time to learn what is expected of him or her to offer for that particular work and therefore such a person will have a lot of stress and no success will be reached this is because if that person is given an office to operate then it means that the results that will be produced will not be of the accepted standard as the work will not be done with one heart but one will feel that he or she is not supposed to be working in such a place therefore this person will find the work hard leading to stress.

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