Through care and aftercare services

Another important problem in treating the offenders, whose crime is drug related is that their treatment often gets discontinued when they are released from prison or rehabilitation centers. In order to maintain continuity of care of offenders whose crime is drug related when such individuals return to the community from prison and residential rehabilitation centers, the UK government has made provisions for offering throughcare and aftercare services to these individuals (Home Office, 2007) .

These services have been established by the DIP, NTA and National Offender Management Service (NOMS), comprising of prison and probation services. Through care services imply the arrangements that have been made for managing continuity of care of an individual, whose crime has been found to be drug related, from the point of his arrest through to the period of his sentence (Home Office, 2007). Aftercare services are arrangements which ensure continuity of care of an individual after he is released from prison.

Other interventions which have been devised by the government under “the Drug Strategy” to further reduce the harms caused by use of illicit drugs include setting up of “The Drugs Act (2005)”, the creation of the Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA), the formulation of effective treatment strategy like the ‘Young People’s Delivery Plan’, implementation of the PPO (Prolific and other priority offender Program) etc.

The Drugs act (2005) deals with the laws regarding the misuse of drugs and would be described later in this dissertation. SOCA is an agency which was set up in April 2006. It is police agency funded by the Central government and deals with criminal organizations, drug trafficking (especially the international trade), smuggling etc (Home Office, 2007). The ‘Young People’s Delivery Plan’ has been described earlier in this dissertation. PPO program is described below.

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