Drug intervention records (DIR)

The DIR is a key tool which helps in effective delivery of DIP. The Performance of DIP at both local and national levels is monitored though these records. These records help in evaluating the outcome of DIP and in assessing whether they have been able to bring about a reduction in the percentage of individuals abusing drugs or a reduction in the levels of crime. DIR is completed every time an individual is enrolled under the DIP.

If an individual already has an ‘open DIR’ form, a new DIR form is not required (Home Office, 2007). These forms help in proper utilization of resources by highlighting the strategies which are working and those which are not working. The Home Office has empowered an agency called DTMU (Drug Treatment monitoring Unit) to collect, audit and validate the data obtained through DIR’s in order to monitor the functioning of DIP and DAT.

DIR has become an important tool which is also being used by CJIT. In order to improve the functioning of criminal justice system the government has introduced a tool called criminal Justice Information Technology (CJIT). This tool helps in reducing the unnecessary paperwork and properly organizing all the information (Home office, 2007). Regular use of these forms has led to greater consistency and effectiveness of the DIP (Home Office, 2007).

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