Therapeutic Factors or Building Blocks

Therapeutic factors are the factors essential during the counseling processes. The objective those factors are to ensure an effective counseling process. Those factors include good relationship between the counselor and the client, the counselor’s techniques to motivate the client to express more and to give the client more self-esteem. The therapeutic factors are divided further into the building blocks. These building blocks are the important skills needed by the counselor to help the client go through his problem.

It includes skills necessary for uncovering the source of the problem and skills that can provide the solution or the help that the client needs (Ekern, n. d. ). Therapeutic factors or building blocks are very essential for all counselors. They are theoretical and can be quite difficult to apply but it would be very helpful for both the client and the counselor. As for me, being an interventionist, the job can be very challenging. I deal with special children and I need skills as their therapist.

The problem with children with autism and some special children is that we don’t need them to speak up their problem because they do not know about their case, but, we know that the cause of their problem is not one thing we can resolve. As a therapist, I need to help the children have a positive regard towards their selves. Knowing that the children with those cases are especially sensitive, I should be able to establish a relationship between me and the child at a level wherein we can both communicate effectively. Communication is very important between the client and the counselor.

And of course, I must be able to help the child as he goes through his life. Cases of autism are not like some other problems that can be resolved over a time of therapy. There is nothing in their life that I need them to help deal with. For them, it would be very helpful if I could help them develop interpersonal skills and help them manage their feelings better.


Ekern, J. (n. d. ) Therapeutic Factors of Counseling. Retrieved December 11, 2008 from http://www. eatingdisorderhope. com/threrapeutic-factors-of-counseling. html.

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