Theorist’s Definition of Nursing

Nursing is commonly characterized as a medical profession that entails independent and cooperative care for individuals and to families, ages, communities, groups and to sick (“Nursing practice,” n. d. ).

In addition to this, nursing is defined to be the profession that provides services such as the prevention of illness, promotion of health, the formal care to sick, dying people and disabled (“Nursing practice,” n. d. ). Certainly, nursing plays a big role in shaping health policy, health and patient management system, nursing research and in the promotion of a safe environment (“Nursing practice,” n.d. ).

On the other hand, in the work and Self-Care Deficit Theory made by Dorothea Orem, her search for distinct meaning of nursing served to be her primary methodology by utilizing most of her own reflections and questions (“Dorothea Orem – Nursing Theory,” n. d. ).

As such, Orem has started with her works by drawing her goal in determining the uniqueness of Nursing, which entails questions such as what is nursing, what are the boundaries of nursing as a field of practice and what condition exists when judgments are made that people need nursing (Hartweg, 1991).

One of the definite advantage of the Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory is that it evidently differentiates the focus of nursing as compare to other disciplines (“Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Requisites Part II,” n. d. ). In addition to this, the languages …

Moreover, the origin of the model and the original ideas of Dorothea Orem have developed from the time when she works as one of the nurse consultants in the Indiana State Board of Health, way back in the year 1957. …

The Self Care Deficit Theory of Dorothea Orem is considered to be the focal point of her Grand Theory of Nursing. This clearly explains the importance and the appropriate time when nursing is really needed. As such, this as well …

Certainly, the Self Care Deficit Theory of Dorothea Orem contributes well in profession and practice of nursing. Citing the event in the year 1970’s , such theory has been essential in the time of changes of researching and expanding the …

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