The Main Concepts of the Self Care Deficit Theory

The Self Care Deficit Theory of Dorothea Orem is considered to be the focal point of her Grand Theory of Nursing. This clearly explains the importance and the appropriate time when nursing is really needed. As such, this as well identify and explicate as to how the people or patients could be assisted by means of nursing.

Hence, the focal point or the central notion of the Self-Care Deficit Theory that is drawn by Dorothea Orem tells about that each and every individual could possibly benefit from nursing (“Overview of Nurse Theorist,” n. d. ). This is due to the fact that these people are lacking of appropriate health knowledge, which possibly render them the incapabilities to maintain continuous self-care that would normally result with ineffective or incomplete care (“Overview of Nurse Theorist,” n. d. ).

Moreover, this theory is perceived to be the results when the Self-care Agency or better known as the patient could no longer meet get her or his needs of care and manage self-care. Likewise, when an individual or patient is perceived to be incapable to meet his or her own Self care requisites, the deficit in Self Care evidently take place. Hence, the theory also entails the notion that it is the job of the Registered Nurse to identify such self-care deficits and define a support modality.

The self Care Deficit Theory of Dorothea Orem entails the concept that each and every mature person or individual has the quality to attend on his or her own self care requirements (“Dorothea Orem’s Theory of Self Care,” n. d. ). However, it is only in the time where a person get experience incapabilities and limitations such personal care, the self-care deficit exists (“Dorothea Orem’s Theory of Self Care,” n. d. ). Certainly, the theory states that a person or patient could benefit from nursing proceedings depending on their health situation.

As such, the inability of patients to render self care as well as in making a position where their capacity are not adequate enough to assert their own wellness and health also requires the appropriate nursing (“Dorothea Orem’s Theory of Self Care,” n. d. ). Nonetheless, Orem’s Self Care Defifict Theory tells about the appropriate actions in nursing,which concentrates on the on determination of limitation or deficit and implementing advantageous nursing interventions to better meet the needs of the patient or individual (“Dorothea Orem’s Theory of Self Care,” n. d. ).

One of the definite advantage of the Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory is that it evidently differentiates the focus of nursing as compare to other disciplines (“Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Requisites Part II,” n. d. ). In addition to this, the languages …

Certainly, the Self Care Deficit Theory of Dorothea Orem contributes well in profession and practice of nursing. Citing the event in the year 1970’s , such theory has been essential in the time of changes of researching and expanding the …

Moreover, the origin of the model and the original ideas of Dorothea Orem have developed from the time when she works as one of the nurse consultants in the Indiana State Board of Health, way back in the year 1957. …

Nursing is commonly characterized as a medical profession that entails independent and cooperative care for individuals and to families, ages, communities, groups and to sick (“Nursing practice,” n. d. ). In addition to this, nursing is defined to be the …

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