The use of alcohol

The alcohol use inventory can be used for adolescents over the age of 16 years and adults (Horn, Wanberg, & Foster, 1990, p. 315). Administrative Issues There are a total of 228 items in the alcohol use inventory. The inventory has 24 subscales. The format used in filling the inventory is self administration via pencil and paper and computer (Horn, Wanberg, & Foster, 1990, p. 315). Additional training may be required for the alcohol use inventory to be administered. The time taken for self administration of the inventory ranges between 35 and 60 minutes.

Scoring The time required to score and interpret ranges from 13 to 15 minutes where at least ten minutes are spent on interpretation (Horn, Wanberg, & Foster, 1990, p. 315). Computerized scoring and interpretation is also available. Psychometrics Reliability studies have been carried out on alcohol use inventory. Test-retest and internal consistency are the two main measures of reliability used on alcohol use inventory. Validity studies have also been carried out on alcohol use inventory (Horn, Wanberg, & Foster, 1990, p. 316).

The measures of validity that have been derived in the study include high content, criterion and construct validity. Utility The alcohol use inventory has both clinical and research utility. In research, the alcohol use inventory provides researcher with the capability to identify reliable source of variance within the sample being studied (Horn, Wanberg, & Foster, 1990, p. 316). It is noteworthy that in most cases the sample is made up of persons who are considered to be alcoholics or have problems relating to the use of alcohol. Source and costs

There are some copyright issues relating to the use of alcohol use inventory. Additional costs of $2 can be incurred in buying the test booklet (Horn, Wanberg, & Foster, 1990, p. 316). Computerized scoring may also require additional spending ranging from $10-13 per answer sheet (Horn, Wanberg, & Foster, 1990, p. 316). Instrument’s name: Job satisfaction survey Germinal author(s) Spector formulated the job satisfaction survey in 1985. Variables The job satisfaction survey is an instrument that is used to determine the degree of satisfaction with various aspects of a job environment.

The 36 items instrument is divided into nine subscales that each addresses a facet of employee job satisfaction (Spector, 1985). The job satisfaction survey can be used in a variety of organizations including private and public sector departments and firms. Dimensions The nine dimensions of pay as presented in the job satisfaction survey are promotion, pay, supervision, contingent rewards, communication, coworkers, operating procedures, supervision, nature of work and fringe benefits (Spector, 1985). Evidently, the job satisfaction survey tries to capture internal and external factors that affect organizational operations.

In addition to highlighting the contributions of individual facets to job satisfaction, the job satisfaction survey presents a figure for overall job satisfaction. This implies that the job satisfaction survey can be used to identify specific issues within organizations that negatively affect job satisfaction and help organizations develop positive organizational environments. Target Population The job satisfaction survey is often used for employees in private, public and third sectors. The employees are required to be of legal age of consent which in most cases is 18 years.

Scoring Six point likert-type scale questions are used in the job satisfaction survey. The job satisfaction survey is a form of questionnaire that can take approximately ten minutes to administer. In most cases, self administration is used though the form can be filled and returned via the computer and over the internet. Psychometrics Various studies have been carried out to try and establish the reliability and validity of the job satisfaction survey. An overall Cronchba’s alpha score of 0. 91 was obtained for the job satisfaction survey.

Additionally, analysis of internal reliability of individual facets has resulted in findings showing that the Cronchba’s alpha values range between 0. 6 and 0. 82 (Statistics Solutions, 2010). These findings show that though the overall internal validity of the job satisfaction survey is high, it varies across the dimensions. A correlation between 0. 61 and 0. 80 has been established between the subscales and job description index (Statistics Solutions, 2010). This is reflective of high levels of concurrent validity. Costs Though the job satisfaction survey is copyrighted, it can be used for free if a researcher pledges to share the results.


Guzzetta, E. C. (1998). Essential readings in holistic nursing. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Horn, J. L. , Wanberg, K. W. & Foster, F. M. (1990). Guide to the Alcohol Use Inventory (AUI). Minneapolis, MN: National Computer Systems. Spector, P. E. (1985). Job Satisfaction Survey, JSS. Retrieved 28 May 2010 from <http://shell. cas. usf. edu/~pspector/scales/jssovr. html > Statistics Solutions (2010). Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS). Retrieved 28 May 2010 from <http://www. statisticssolutions. com/methods-chapter/directory-of-survey-instruments/job-satisfaction-survey/ >

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