The School of Pharmacy

The East Tennessee State University Gatton College of Pharmacy has been up to date with the numerous changes in the health care world. In tune with the school’s vision of excellence, students are given the opportunity to actively participate in the health care team. As a student, I have always been determined to learn as much as I can, so that I may be able to be of service to those who are in need.

Furthermore, I believe that the school was able to imbibe in me, its vision and mission, through the many activities and lessons shared during my stay in the university. One of my goals in life is to become known as a successful pharmacist in the health care world. Furthermore, I believe that the school has taught me well, and would continue to imbibe in me the values of integrity, professionalism, and continuous service to others.

As I go on with my life as a professional, I am confident that I may be able to share with others my skills and knowledge, especially in the upheaval of health in society. I am proud to say that the university was able to hone me as a well rounded individual. Aside from my professional knowledge, I was also able to understand the feelings and emotions that patients had towards their illnesses. In some ways, I was able to get hold of how the patients were coping with their diseases and illnesses.

Through my knowledge of pharmacy, I am able to thoroughly give these patients pertinent information about their condition, and at some point, help alleviate the pain. Furthermore, I believe that career goals do not stop after graduation. My goals were improved and I am now in search of higher education from the said university. In this regard, I would be able to further enhance my craft, if not perfect it so that I may be able to help those in need, and at the same time make my university proud.

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