The jobs in the healthcare sector

The jobs in the healthcare sector are in both the private and public sector. For example, Doctors and Nurses jobs are in the public sector as their salary is paid to them by the government whereas a vet’s job is in the private sector as they get paid by customers. Dentists and Pharmacists are in both sectors as people below 18 or people of have a certified NHS card are entitled to their services for free meaning the government pays for these people

Doctor: There are many types of doctors two of which are a surgeon and a GP (General Practitioner). A surgeon is someone who operates on a patient in an attempt to heal them whereas a GP is someone who gives patients advice and prescriptions for their medical problems. The difference between the two jobs is that a surgeon works mainly in the hospital whereas a GP works mainly in an office which is located inside a medical centre.

A surgeon would only be called if the injury to the patient is in their field. For example, is a patient has received a injury to the head, then a brain surgeon would be called, whereas if the damage was to the heart, then a heart surgeon would be called. A typical day for a GP would be firstly, getting checked in at the medical centre. If a patient’s wishes to see them, then they call up the medical centre, state their name, what time they want to come in and what doctor they wish to see. The person on the phone would then check if the time is available. If it is, then the appointment is booked, however if it isn’t, then they would give the patients and appropriate time which is available.

When the patient comes to see the GP, they state what their problem is. The GP then types a suitable medicine that will cure the problem on a computer and print it out on a prescription which is traded at the pharmacists for the actual medicine. The salary for a doctor would be around 60,000 a year. However someone who’s been in practise for a long time can get paid around 70,000+ as they have more experience.


A nurse is someone who looks after patients and helps the surgeon when they’re operating. The nurse who helps the surgeon, would hand them the necessary tools to complete the operation when required. The nurse who helps the patients gives them their meal at the required time. They would also help them with any problems they may be having such as helping them get up from the bed. A nurse may sometimes go to the patient’s house to do a check up. This is only for patients who are unable to go to the hospital such as disabled people.

The typical day for a nurse is to enter the hospital. They would then change into a uniform to protect their normal clothes from getting infected with microbes. They also put on some antibacterial to kill any microbes that may be lying on their hands. After carrying out these procedures, they would carry out any tasks that are set to them such as brining meals to the required patients at the allocated times. Towards the end of the day, they would change into their normal clothes, put on some more antibacterial and check out of the hospital.

A nurse that is required to go to the patients house would first the location of the patients and drive their with the necessary equipments. The nurse would then check up on the patients to see how they’re doing and would give them anything that is required i.e. injections. Upon doing this, they would wear protective clothing such as aprons or gloves to stop any microbes from spreading. They would also put on some antibacterial as well. This salary is for hospitals operated by the NHS. For private hospitals, nurses can get from up to 22,000 a year as a starting salary.


A dentist is someone who checks up on a patient’s teeth. A dentist would have their own practice which that patients would go to, to see the dentist. The role of the dentist is to operate on the patients teeth. They may do this by either filling the patients teeth of there is a hole or completely removing it. Before removing the teeth, the dentist is required to put a suitable amount on anaesthetic to numb the mouth. This stops the patients from feeling any pan whilst the tooth is being removed. If no operations are required, the dentist would usually give advice on how the patients should take care of their teeth.

The typical day for a dentist would be to enter the practice. They would then see any patients who have made an appointment. Similarly to the doctor, they are required to call in stating what time they would like to come in. When the patient see’s the dentist, they would be asked to sit on a chair. The dentist would then adjust they chair to a suitable location so they can check the patients teeth. Upon doing this, they would check the teeth and operate on any of them if needed such as adding a filling or taking out a teeth. A dentist would have an assistant with them who would hand them the necessary tools just like a nurse would do to a surgeon.

There is also another type of dentist called orthodontist. The role of the orthodontist is to put braces into the patient’s teeth. However, in order for the patients to be eligible for braces, they have to get the required permission from the dentist. Similarly to a dentist, an orthodontist would also have their own practice.

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