The Health and Safety Policy

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 place duties on employers to systematically assess all workplace risks, and to take all reasonably practicable action to minimise those risks. Responsibility rests with the Chief Executive. The Chief Executive and Board must take the lead in setting the overall framework for effective and efficient management through a management strategy. Clinical directors, nurse managers and other staff managers must support the strategy and ensure that all staff observes the rules. Staff at all levels must also recognise their personal responsibilities. Issues to consider will include.

The Health and Safety Policy

The Board should ensure that there is a clear, written health and safety policy which: is endorsed by the Board and fully supported by senior management. Sets out the organisation (the people responsible) and the procedures to be followed for identifying hazards, assessing risks and preventing or controlling them. Focuses the accountability for health and safety to discrete levels within the organisation.

Further guidance and information can be found in: Risk Management in the NHS (NHS Management Executive 1993) is accessible to all staff and is drawn particularly to their attention. Expresses the employer’s commitment to best practice in health and safety management. Includes a built in review procedure which recognises the need to scrutinise and review performance regularly. Individual departments or directorates may have local policies and/or procedures which address their own specific health and safety concerns. These must be compatible with the organisation’s overall policy. Employers should survey their operations to identify hazards (including those mentioned in annex B) and formulate procedures which outline how and by whom these problems are to be addressed in the organisation.

Shell has sold motor spirit (petrol) in Britain for almost 100 years, but in order to compete more effectively with the Anglo-American Oil Company (the Standard Oil subsidiary), it entered into a joint venture with BP in 1931. This lasted until 1975, although the chains had been functionally split a few years earlier. For most of the past century it has vied for market leadership with Esso, but has perhaps maintained a slightly more up-market image.

Shell provides fuel in more than one or two countries they provide fuel in these countries: Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Czech republic, Denmark, Finland, German democratic republic (east Germany), Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Bulgaria, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia and former Yugoslavia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine. South east Mediterranean Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon & Syria


There is considerable movement of cars and other vehicles on the forecourt which could lead to accidental collision with structures, people and other vehicles. Devise a safe system of traffic movement, e.g. a one-way System for entering and exiting the forecourt. Display clear information/warning signs setting out the traffic control arrangements. Provide sufficient designated parking areas close to the shop and away from the pumps. Provide mechanical protection to vulnerable structures such as fuel tanks and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) storage areas.

Hazardous Substances

Some items of stock and chemicals used in the car wash and for general cleaning can be harmful. Exposure to them through use, accidental spillage or leaks, can cause respiratory problems, dermatitis or chemical burns. Store all hazardous chemicals in their original containers. Obtain information on all substances stored and used in the premises from manufacturer’s hazard data sheets. Train staff and provide appropriate protective clothing. The removal of access covers to storage tanks, moving LPG cylinders and positioning of large cleaning fluid containers may cause back injury or muscular strains. Eliminate all unnecessary manual handling. Train staff in proper lifting techniques. Provide suitable equipment e.g. keys for lifting manhole covers. Avoid lifting items which are too heavy – use a trolley or castors where possible.

Slips, trips and falls

In Winter, snow and ice on the forecourt can present a risk to pedestrians from falling and from skidding vehicles. Fuel and oil spillages on the forecourt can present a slipping hazard. Supplies of industrial salt mixed with fine gravel should be kept and spread on the forecourt during icy conditions and also used promptly to absorb and clean up any fuel or oil spill. Staff should be trained on how to deal with minor fuel spillages.


Accidents are mainly due to misuse of, or badly maintained, equipment and there is an increased risk of electric shock when using equipment externally in a wet environment e.g. commercial vacuums and car washes. All electrical equipment used out of doors should be suitably insulated and should be supplied through a circuit protected by a 30 mA Residual Current Device. All electrical switchgear controlling machinery should be clearly labelled and readily accessible at all times. Ensure that the electrical installation used for mechanical car washes is suitable for a wet environment and has adequate protection from mechanical damage, considering the complexity of the moving parts. Fit a readily accessible emergency stop button to mechanical car washes.

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