The age of HIV positive children

The age of HIV positive children: some young people got infected of the disease through their parents who already had the infection during child birth. Due to either frustrations or adolescent behavior, they may too seek sexual activity with their peers. They need constant Medicare and counseling to ensure that they refrain from transmitting the infection to others. Why teach sex education? As much as HIV/AIDS messages exist either by word of mouth or through the media, each year reports new HIV infections.

This either means that the people are not learning the message and dangers of the infection, or they are not willing to live according to the education message that they receive. Some people are completely ignorant of the whole situation. They neither understand the dangers of the disease nor refrain from its risks. Sexual education is therefore necessary to overcome such ignorance and prevent spread of the disease further.

It needs to be a continuous process because new generations still need to be informed of what is at stake, while those who already know about it need to be constantly reminded of its dangers so that they continue practicing safe methods of sexual activity as well as inform and protect the younger generation. The major reasons for AIDS education however are: • To prevent new infections from taking place: the young people should be informed about HIV and AIDS, how it is transmitted and ways in which one can protect themselves from infection.

In order to instill this, they should also be taught how to apply this information in their practical lives e. g. how to use condoms and how to practice safe sex. • To improve quality of life for HIV positive people: most often than not, sex education is seen as relevant to those who are not infected only and when given to those infected, it is seen in terms of preventing new infections by teaching them not to pass it on to others.

However, they too need HIV and AIDS education to enable them improve their quality of life and live longer and more at peace. Their major educational need therefore is the need to seek medical attention and drugs as well as the need to find proper emotional guidance and counseling. • To reduce stigma and discrimination: most often than not AIDS victims are treated as outskirts and immoral people.

Most people fear the disease and those already infected often live in resentment and anger. Across the United States, many families are forced to leave their homes when infected. This discrimination can lead to spread of the disease out of anger and revenge and also innocence when someone is not willing to get tested. Sex education is therefore essential among the school going children as well as young adults who are sexually active and form the future generation.

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