Teenage Pregnancy and Sexual Transmitted Infections

Teenage pregnancy and sexual transmitted infections along with HIV/AIDS are very important issues in adolescences life, and it has become important that issues like these should be discussed with them, so that they make the right choices in life. Young adults are very venerable to sexual transmitted infections along with HIV/AIDS because they are exploring new things and opportunities and sexual intimacy plays a very big role in their lives when they making new relationships and exploring their emotions and feelings.

The young adults have this general idea that they invincible and nothing would be able to touch them, and this kind of attitude lands them into such messes like unwanted pregnancy or getting infected with AIDS or Herpes. And it is a given fact that 60% of the young adults are mostly infected by HIV/AIDS. Young adults need to know the consequences of having unsafe and risky sexual intercourse. One of the consequences of unsafe sex is that the girl gets caught up in an unwanted pregnancy.

And there are severe consequences for younger mothers because their sex organs are not fully matured and this causes a great deal of difficulty for the mother when she is in labor and is delivering the child. And sometimes it so happens that the mother and the child die during the delivery process. Young females are frightened of these severe consequences that they try to attempt unsafe abortions, for example, coat hangers or even wood sticks.

This damages their uterus, which results in problems with future pregnancies (that is they are not able to conceive again in their later years). Other problems like mental anguish and trauma are also there especially if the young adult is unmarried and then she is usually faced with pressure from their families to have abortions. And problems like friends ostracizing and ridiculing her for her behavior and she may have to discontinue her education due to the unwanted pregnancy.

(Baker & Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 2007) The other consequences of unsafe sexual intercourse may lead to HIV/AIDS and sexual transmitted infections like Proctisis, Genital warts, Hepatitis B, Gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, Syphilis (which would include sore throat, patches of hair loss and rashes on palms), Chancroid (ulcers) and Herpes Genitals (multiple ulcers, shallow erosions, incurable, or severe pains in the body) etc. And if STIs and not treated in time it could lead up to complications.

Complications like infertility in both male and female, birth defects, death due to sepsis, ectopic pregnancy and cervical cancer, cervical cancer, blindness of a newborn and even pregnancy developing outside uterus or even swelling of uterus, tubes, ovaries causing severe abdominal pain, vaginal discharge and fever. STI increases the chances of HIV/AIDS transmission by tenfold. (Mayer & Pizer 2008) Role of Sex Education As we know that the aim of sexual education is to reduce the risk of negative results from sexual behavior of young adults.

The unwanted results would include unwanted pregnancies and diseases which have been transmitted through sexual intercourse. Sex education is also used to help increase the quality of relationships between the young adults and it also helps them to understand and develop the ability of making decisions in their life. Effective sex education means that it is an education that is making a contribution on all of the above aims. And it is very important that young adult know about the severe consequences of unsafe sexual intercourse.

(McKeon 2006) The role of sex education can play a very important role in the life of an adolescent, it would help the young adult know about safe sexual intercourse and how he or she can stay protected from unwanted pregnancies and sexual transmitted diseases (STIs) and HIV/AIDS. It is the role of an educator to tell the young adults how to be safe and they can do that by providing them with information related to the following topics. They are as follows:-

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