Technological and managerial innovations

The scope of health care in the contemporary society of today has thoroughly stretched its limits beyond the perspectives of medical landscapes, towards the sagacity of the application of managerial roles in compliance with the extrinsic and intrinsic demands set forth by the advent of technology and broadening era of globalization to be able to meet the standards entailed with change (Griffith & White, 2006). Introduction.

Given the fact that the society is outrageously growing in number and thus offering a wider scope of diverse individuals coherent with the rise of population and globalization, healthcare organizations are now obliged to jump off the skin of conventionality and isolation in the separation of medical premises and administrative matters. Moreover, with the word ‘organization’ stressed in the light of the subject, it implicitly portrays the greater need of indulging in activities which are related to organizational schemes.

Hence, to be able to achieve the organization’s administrative goals and objectives, healthcare leaders and practitioners must be equipped with the concise and proficient logical methods in managerial stream to meet the standards falling in the walls of the purpose (Isaacs & Knickman, 2004). In track with the immense rise of societal needs and the mounting of the advent of critical research towards the objective of building a sustainable organizational structure, the scope of leadership and managerial requisites has expanded its delimitations even to the arena oh healthcare.

In further illustration, to get a glimpse of an effective leader and productive vigorous clinical are to be obtained if the precise of managerial styles are instilled in the most particular quantity. Managerial Styles vary in numerous forms by which an organization shall thoroughly fit. The kind of approach used in organizations must in a superior logic adhere with the mission, vision, philosophy and set of objectives, goals and charter of the group.

Given such specifications, it will then be easier for the leader as well as for its subordinates to play their specific roles entitled in their respective job descriptions (Williamson, 1995). Analysis Health care innovations are recommendations, strategies models that are used to improve the quality of care into practice. Quality management plays an important role in the pursuance of organizational objectives.

Considering the fact that it is an ‘organization’, therefore such is armed with people (with specific job descriptions and roles), a sole objective set by the group, and the rules and regulations which serves as measures in keeping the serene and effective atmosphere of the organization. However, in order to meet such goals, one must be aware of the different organizational strategies and how to utilize in the most suitable perspective. In order to know what improvements are to be implemented, one must know the strengths and the weaknesses of the organization, as analyzed in the performance of such in the concluded times.

The cited weak points shall then be paralleled with the positive summit, thus to prudently expunge the possibility in committing mistakes and mishaps incurred in the past. Another signification of such would be the exploration of new methods, scientifically and critically analyzed in a feasibility study for the effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed activity or method hence not undermining the importance of forecasting strategies such as time-series, stimulation and causal recessions towards attaining the targeted goal (Williamson, 1995). Recommendations

An illustration of the possible effective tools in improving the system would basically fall on the following ground: design key features of the proposed e-health care plans are the reliability and relevance of the information that increases the quality of health care programs because consumers are given the chance in selecting the appropriate doctors, medicines, health care plans and hospitals. In this manner, the consumer can choose from different selections to improve the quality and value of health care programs hence a transfer of information between the consumers, insurers, providers and government agencies (Isaacs & Knickman, 2004).

Health Information Technology Further would be the launching of HIT (Zielinski, Duplaga, & Ingram, 2005) in response to health problems on the area under jurisdiction. Such method would enable healthcare practitioners dwell in a rather advanced state of the art innovation in technology benefiting not only the organization but the community as well. With the use of telemedicine technology, the treatment and diagnosis of a patient is carried by the use of video, audio and the internet. Its accuracy in the procedures of treatment must also be taken consideration.

Human errors are minimized because of the introduction of high technology gadgets. Strengths and Weaknesses HIT also provides accurate information on patients that are treated. Above all, HIT can make treatments and operations safer because of the errors being reduced. And lastly, HIT lower the cost on health care. On the contrary, even though there is a reduced in the health care cost in implementing HIT, there is also cost in provide for the equipment and other requirements of HIT. The cost in the installation of the internet of a consumer must compensate the saving he will get if he used HIT in his treatment.

Another weakness of HIT is there will be access on personal health information. Besides, the e-health program needs a budget to satisfy the conditions and characteristics of HIT. It needs budget to improve the access in the internet by expanding and developing the internet connections so that an ease in internet access will be achieved. Another allocation of the budget is the purchase of new computers for the transfer of data from hospitals to the homes of consumers. From the framework of HIT, there will a negative feedbacks coming from the society that value the sense of privacy.

In HIT, there is a full access on the health information of a consumer and this made it also accessible to other people who avail the e-health program. The benefits must be established in their minds to convince them in using HIT on health related problems (Zielinski et al. , 2005). Managerial Landscape in Health Care Shifting the scenario in the managerial scheme, the use of organizational methods and techniques conveying a fundamental requirement in the HCO will most likely help the group in creating an effective and constantly developing organization.

With the imposition of the right and suitable leadership style and human resource management systems, the level of productivity and service delivery from HCO’s employees would gradually change for the better. Through the use of motivation and reward system, and the inculcation of the human resource appraisal and annual evaluation, the tendency for such employees to get out in the track of their job description is anticipated to be eradicated. Further, it shall not only denote satisfaction among those who are being rendered service with, but a melodious environment for its constituents and the organization as a whole (Griffith & White, 2006).

Strengths and Weaknesses The rise of possible complications is inevitable in the realm of exploring and initiating new initiative for the development of any activity. However, in the light of the risk, the possibility in obtaining the rather effective protocols is larger than that of declining in the downfall scenario. The practitioner applying such organizational strategy must be crucial in implementing any form of system must see to it that the leadership style shall be accepted by the employees or else the worse is to float up in the web of complexities.

References: Griffith, J. R. , & White, K. R. (2006). The Well-Managed Healthcare Organization (6th ed. ). New York: Health Administration Press. Isaacs, S. L. , & Knickman, J. (2004). Generalist Medicine and the U. S. Health Care System. San Francisco: San Francisco John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Williamson, O. E. (1995). Organization Theory: From Chester Barnard to the Present and Beyond (Expanded ed. ). New York: Oxford University Press, USA. Zielinski, K. , Duplaga, M. , & Ingram, D. (2005). Information Technology Solutions for Healthcare (1 ed. ). London, UK: Springer.

The scope of health care in the contemporary society of today has thoroughly stretched its limits beyond the perspectives of medical landscapes, towards the sagacity of the application of managerial roles in compliance with the extrinsic and intrinsic demands set …

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