Symptoms of the different types of abuse

I am going to be looking at the common signs and symptoms of the different types of abuse. The types of abuse I will be looking at are physical, emotional, neglect, sexual and bullying. I will state the physical indicators which means all about the appearance and behavioural indicators which is about the attitude that occurs from abuse. The physical indicators that may occur from physical abuse are untreated injuries, bald patches, arms and legs kept covered in hot weather, injuries in unusual places, running away. The behavioural indictors that may occur from physical abuse are refusal to discuss injuries, fear of returning home, fear of medical help, aggression towards others, and self- destructive tendencies.

The physical indicators that may occur from emotional abuse are letting there appearance go, look scared, running away, aggression. The behavioural indicators that may occur from emotional abuse are passitivity, over-reaction to mistakes, continual self-depreciation, neurotic behaviour (thumb sucking), stealing and scavenging. The physical indicators that may occur from neglect abuse are constant hunger, poor hygiene, tiredness, poor clothes or appearance, lateness or non-school attendance, untreated medical problems. The behavioural indicators that may suggest that neglect is occurring are low self- esteem, very sad, upset, thumb sucking, stealing, scavenging, won’t open up.

The physical indicators that may occur from sexual abuse are sudden change in performance, displays affection in inappropriate way, genital itching or pain, gifts or money, wetting day and night, phobia’s, panic attacks, chronic illness and throat infection. The emotional indicators that a child is being sexually abused are sudden changes in behaviour, cry easily, clingy, younger behaviour, fear of undressing, secrecy. The physical indicators of someone being bullied are running away, no appearance at school, avoiding others. The emotional indicators of someone being bullied are they are very cautious; cry easily, no social relationships, self blaming themselves.

Child “abuse is commonly recognised as any behaviour towards a child that causes harm to that child in some way. This behaviour may be deliberate, or the parent may not be aware of the affects of their behaviour.” (Flynn, H. …

May involve hitting, shaking, throwing, burning, poisoning, drowning, suffocating, and any physical harm to a child. This may also be caused by parents/carers or known adults who may also make up symptoms of illness. Signs and Symptoms Indicators and behaviours …

Physical abuse occurs when people physically hit, shake or in some way hurt or injure children or failing to prevent these injuries from happening. Physical abuse includes hitting, shaking, kicking, punching, scalding, suffocating and other ways of inflicting pain or …

The National Center on Elder Abuse (2003) has identified seven types of abuse that are common among the elderly: physical abuse, which includes but is not limited to evidence that the victim has been hit, slapped, kicked, or otherwise assaulted; …

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