Child abuse

May involve hitting, shaking, throwing, burning, poisoning, drowning, suffocating, and any physical harm to a child. This may also be caused by parents/carers or known adults who may also make up symptoms of illness. Signs and Symptoms Indicators and behaviours Bruises on the cheeks, ears, – Repeated injuries over a period of time Palms, arms and feet. – Runaway attempts and fear of going home Bruises on the back, buttocks, – No attempt to get comfort when hurt Multiple bruises in clusters, – Wary of adults Usually on the upper arms or outer thighs.

– Persistent absence from school Bruising which looks like it has been caused- Flinch when touched By fingers, a hand, or an object i. e. belt, shoe etc. – Aggressive or withdrawn Large oval shaped bite marks. – Bad language/behaviour when playing Burns which have a clear shape of an object,- Sad/crying E. g. cigarette burns. – Depression Burns to the backs of hands, feet,- Poor memory/concentration Legs, genitals, or buttocks. Neglect This is when a child’s basic needs are not being met and results in a decline in health or development.

For a child this could mean inadequate food/drink, lack of medical attention when needed or inappropriate clothing all the basic needs a child should have. Abandonment- Depression Lack of medical/dental needs- Attention seeking Lack of supervision- Tiredness Hunger- Steals food or begs Poor hygiene- Persistent absence Untreated conditions e. g. Head lice, Skin disorders Sexual Abuse Forcing or enticing a child or young person to engage in sexual activities. This can involve penetration assault (rape or oral sex) and May also be non-penetrable (masturbation, kissing and/or touching).

Non-contact activities can also be included such as viewing or producing images of media of a sexual nature or the grooming of a child in preparation for abuse. Sexual abuse can be committed by men, women as well as other children and peers. Tiredness – Sad/depressed Weight change – Lack of attention Cuts or sores – Loss of appetite Difficulty walking/sitting – Lack of sleep Itching in genital area – Nightmares/bedwetting STD – Fear of being/going home Pregnancy – Sexual play with toys Genital injuries – Sexual knowledge – Poor self-image – Poor self-care Emotional.

A continuous emotional maltreatment of a child which may lead to severe effects on the child’s 1 / 2 emotional development leaving feelings of inadequacy, unloved and worthlessness. It may involve silencing any views or communicating from the child and not give them an opportunity to express how they feel. Although emotional abuse can occur on its own it can also be used alongside other types of abuse. Bedwetting – Poor emotional development Diarrheal – Inappropriate behaviour Headaches – Fear of failing Nausea – Lying Abdominal Pain – Withdrawal – Mood swings – Aggressiveness.

– Neatness/Cleanliness – Attention seeking behaviour – Depression Bullying and Harassment This too can be a form of emotional abuse but can take on many different forms such as: Physical Cyberbullying Verbal Racist Peer pressure is also a form of bullying if a child is made to do something or feels pressured into doing something they feel reluctant to do such as joining groups or gangs. Nervousness – Belongings lost or damaged Physical injuries – Afraid or reluctant to go to school Tiredness – Lack of sleep/nightmares Weightless – Lack of appetite POWERED BY TCPDF (WWW. TCPDF. ORG).

Child “abuse is commonly recognised as any behaviour towards a child that causes harm to that child in some way. This behaviour may be deliberate, or the parent may not be aware of the affects of their behaviour.” (Flynn, H. …

I am going to be looking at the common signs and symptoms of the different types of abuse. The types of abuse I will be looking at are physical, emotional, neglect, sexual and bullying. I will state the physical indicators …

Children are increasingly sexually abused by members of the same family. Significant research studies have been conducted on the issue of sexual abuse with analysis carried out from all angles. The documentation available about sexual abuse reveals several devastating effects …

Physical abuse occurs when people physically hit, shake or in some way hurt or injure children or failing to prevent these injuries from happening. Physical abuse includes hitting, shaking, kicking, punching, scalding, suffocating and other ways of inflicting pain or …

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