Symptoms of Childhood Illness

ILLNESS| INCUBATIONPERIOD| SYMPTOMS| ACTION| TREATMENT| Common Cold| 1-3 days| Running or blocked nose, headache, temperature | Contact parents/carers. Use disposable tissues| Rest, plenty of fluids| Chicken Pox| 10-14 days| Fever, very itchy rash, with blister –like appearance| Contact Parents/carers isolate the child away from other children | Tepid bath containing bicarbonate of soda and calamine lotion applied to the skin to stop itching| Ear Infection| | Redness in the eardrum, pain, and often fever.

| Contact the parent/carers make the child feel comfortable | Rest, see medical advice as antibiotics may be needed. | Food Poisoning| 30 mins – 36 hrs| Nausea, vomiting, cramps, diarrhoea, Food poisoning isn’t contagious, | Contact the parent /carers make sure you use plastic apron and gloves when dealing with this| Replace the fluids with glucose and salt solution such as rehydrate. | German Measles| 14-21 days| Slight cold, sore throat, swollen glands behind ears slight pink rash| Isolate the child from any other children contact the parents| Rest treat symptoms.

Avoid contact with pregnant women| Tonsillitis| 14-21 days| Very sore throat difficulty in swallowing, fever, headache, aches and pains| Contact the parents/ carers give the child plenty to drink| Rest, lots of fluids, medical attention antibiotics( if needed)| Gastroenteritis| 7-14 days| Vomiting, diarrhoea, dehydration. (which in extreme cases can lead to death)| Contact the parent/carers, Isolate the child away from other children, make sure you use plastic apron and gloves when dealing with this situation | Replace the fluids with glucose and salt solution such as rehydrate. |

Meningitis| 2-14 days| Fever, headache, irritability, drowsiness, confusion, dislike of the light, very stiff neck, may be small red spots beneath the skin | Contact parents/ carers, phone for an ambulance| Immediate medical attention. Take child to hospital call for an ambulance| Ringworm| 10-14 days| Ring-shaped patches of temporary baldness, with smallyellowish crusts. Examination under UV light (Wood’s lamp)shows yellow-green fluorescence. | Exclude; Notify all parents and child careproviders that a case of ringworm hasoccurred. | See Doctor for appropriate medication. Wash affected areas daily and keep clean and dry|.

Chicken pox – an infectious virus that also causes shingles in adults. Headache and a fever followed by an itchy, spotty red rash that first appears on the chest and then spreads over the body. It eventually turns to blisters …

|Learner name: |Sarah Armstrong | |Qualification: |Level 2 Supporting teaching and learning in schools | |Unit number & title: |Unit 6 Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people | | | | | |AC 2. 1 The signs and …

Cold symptoms usually begin with a sore throat, which usually goes away after a day or two. Nasal symptoms, runny nose, and congestion follow, along with a cough by the fourth and fifth days. Fever is uncommon in adults, but …

Answer 2-1 Most children and young people will experience some episodes of illness in their life. Common illnesses, like coughs and colds, are not usually serious. However, illnesses like meningitis are more serious and will need specialist medical care. Illnesses, …

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