Summary for Osteosarcoma

“Osteosarcoma is, by definition, a sarcoma composed of bone-forming cells and is the most common of the primary bone sarcomas” (Chang, et al, 2006, p. 1026). Its cause, like other cancer forms, is yet to be known and it is “a deadly form of musculoskeletal cancer that most commonly causes patients to die from pulmonary metastatic disease” (Mehlman, 2008). Although the disease does not target any specific sites or bones, it predominantly affects the femur, tibia, and humerus.

The disease occurs in blacks more than whites, males more than females, and is not very common in children. It is more prone to those who experience rapid bone growth, are continuously exposed to high amounts of radiation, and are genetically predisposed. People who have osteosarcoma experience pain especially with activity. Other associated symptoms are rare but patients can have a palpable mass and involvement of joints or lymph nodes. Orthopaedic surgeons usually perform biopsy or wide resection to osteosarcoma patients.

However, tumor staging has to be done first and this includes radiography, body scans, magnetic resonance imaging, and computed tomography scanning of the lungs. “The purpose of staging tumors is to stratify risk groups and its key components are the histologic grade of the tumor, anatomic location, and the absence or presence of metastatic disease” (Mehlman, 2008). Laboratory studies also play a role in determining the severity of the disease. If a biopsy is not properly done, the situation can result to amputation of the affected area.

Osteosarcoma can be treated with chemotherapy and surgery. Patients should also monitor the physical activity of the affected area. Follow up is important and patients should have laboratory studies done in conjunction with consultations.


Chang, A. E. , et al. (2006). Oncology. New York: Springer. Mehlman, C. T. (2008 March 28). Osteosarcoma. Retrieved September25, 2008, from http://www. emedicine. com/Orthoped/topic531. htm#section~Introduc

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