Strength training and muscular

Weight Training – Weight training can be for any person, regardless of age, gender, height and weight. Different people have different Somatotype so…different people require different training. The training routine for strength and endurance is based on your 1 rep max. This is the maximum amount of weight you can lift, once. There are different training types for the basis of weight training. They are strength training and muscular endurance training. Strength increases your muscle mass, therefore making you strong whereas endurance training is to train your muscles to last longer during exercise.

The recommended routine for strength is 6 – 8 reps and 2 – 3 sets at 70%-80% of your 1 rep max. Over the weeks you would increase the repetitions, sets or both, to keep progressing in strength. The recommended routine for endurance training is 15-20 erps, 2-3 sets at 40% – 60% of your 1 rep max. As you can see strength is more short bursts of heavy weights and endurance is longer sets of lighter weights. When weight training, there are to different ways to consider, Free weights or machine weights. Free Weights – Basically, its using dumbbells and power weights. If the person using them has not had the proper training, they can easily injure themselves

Machine Weights – This weight training using gym equipment. These are what modern day gyms, such as roko, are full up with. They offer to train many different muscles. It is not as easy to injure yourself as the weights are mechanically held up for you. Justification of Selected Training Method To achieve my goals, I am going to use weight training. Using mainly machine weights, I will be lifting about 80% of my one rep max. Muscle will only strengthen when forced to operate beyond it normal/comfortable limit. When lifting heavy loads, the fibres in your muscle tear/rip. The body then repairs it stronger than before. This how you gain muscle mass. The point where exercising is demanding enough to have an effect on the body is called the ‘threshold of training’.

This type of training will increase my strength therefore making my all round game far better. Muscle growth is due to one or more of the following adaptions:Whenever you look at a footballers body composition, it is always very muscular. This is because football is a very strength related game, no matter what position you play in. Strength training/improving my strength will make my chances of coming out of a tackle with the ball far more higher than it is now. It will add to my aerial ability and dribbling skills, as I would be able to ‘shrug’ of any opponents trying to tackle me.

Aswell as improving my physical aspect to the game, it will give me a psychological boost because I know that I am more physically prepared. Most footballers Bleep test levels are at least 15 – 20. They have to work at a maxiimum constant rate all through out the match otherwise one mistake, could lead to a goal. Improving for C.V will help with the last 15 minutes of the game. I will be able to maintain a constant work rate through out the game and I will have the edge over my oppenants in the last quarter of the game.


There are several different principles of training each to suit a different type of performer or different type of training. The ‘FITT’ components are also significant principles affecting fitness development. Specificity – This principles is to suit the environment of the game/sport, for example a goalkeeper will do a lot of reaction time work in training, because that’s what he will be doing in a match. The actions should copy the actions used in a match. Progression – Exercising at the same degree of difficulty will only maintain current fitness levels. To improve fitness you need to gradually increase the level of difficulty over time.

Overload – Muscle strength can be improved by making the muscles work harder than normal. This is normally done by weight training. When lifting heavy loads, the fibres in your muscle tear/rip. The body then repairs it stronger than before. This how you gain muscle mass. The point where exercising is demanding enough to have an effect on the body is called the ‘threshold of training’. Reversibility – Just as the body will increase in strength, tone and skill with exercise, it loses them with out it. It takes a lot longer to gain fitness than lose it. There is a combination of 4 targets (frequency, intensity, type, time) that need to be achieved to meet the minimum level of fitness. Training is adapted by changing any one or more of the FITT combinations.

Frequency – Frequency is the number of times exercise is undertaken per week. The more times a person exercises the more often their body is put under stress. The recommended number of times per week you should exercise is 3. This gives your body time to recover. (In Weight training, then recovery period is especially important as this is the time your body rebuilds the damaged fibres.) Intensity – This is the level of difficulty of the exercise. Working in a target zone of 60-80% of the maximum Heart rate is the level where fitness will usually increase. The intensity can easily be changed to suit the performer by how many reps, sets etc etc you do.

Type – This refers to the kind of exercise. It can be exercise to suit the general fitness of the player or, if training for a specific event, training should reflect the activity. As long as the activity lasts for 20 minutes whilst maintaining 60-80% of the maximum heart rate, fitness will usually improve. Time – This is how long you do it for. Keeping your pulse at 60-80% of its maximum for 20 minutes is the target. Warming-up is not included in the 20 minutes.

Tedium – One of the main reasons people stop or don’t enjoy doing exercise is because of boredom. To prevent me from lack of motivation I will be doing my circuit with a partner, taking it in turns to use each machine. We can talk, encourage, spot and just generally help each other. I will also alter my circuit from time to time for example, instead of going on one machine for two sets…go on each machine for one set, and repeat the course.

Personal Application of Theory I decided to do 3 gym sessions a week. I choose to have a gap day after every session. Muscular hypertrophy happens fibres rip/tear, and they grow back stronger than before. This period after my sessions will give the fibres in the muscles to grow back. I will be doing two 1hour sessions and one 2hour sessions a week. In an hour session, I will have time to complete 2 sets o every machine. In a 2hour session, I will be able to complete 3 sets on every machine and also be able to do free weights as well. When I feel I can lift 10 reps comfortably, I will move the weight up to keep progressing.

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