Stem Cell Research

Human embryos will develop with the formation and development of stem cells. That is, the stems cells only transform into various organs and tissues, as the embryo grows into a fetus. So, stem cells are the ‘source’ for all the external as well as the internal human organs and tissues. Pro-Stem Cell research group believe these stem cells from the embryo can be grown into any organs that may be needed for human transplantation.

“If scientists can reliably direct the differentiation of embryonic stem cells into specific cell types, they may be able to use the resulting, differentiated cells to treat certain diseases at some point in the future” (stemcells. nih. gov). Pro-Stem Cell research group and the politicians who are in that group support the embryonic stem cell research because they consider embryonic stem cells treatment as one of the workable options to treat many diseases, injuries and malfunctions.

They point out the results of many studies done by scientists, who have stated that embryonic stem cells can cure many medical problems including spinal cord injury related paraplegia, quadriplegia; also brain related multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, heart diseases, cancer, etc, etc. Many Americans and people all over the world face innumerable sufferings because of the above mentioned diseases.

With no ‘effective’ treatment for these diseases, the Pro-Stem Cell research group opine that embryonic stems cells by regenerating damaged neurons in spinal cord injured, ‘refreshing’ the neurons in brain diseased, and also by repairing the damaged cells in heart and in other parts of the body, will surely alleviate their sufferings and help them live a normal and happy life. Based on the Pro-group stance, certain states like Florida, California, are also reviewing and reframing the existing laws, favoring embryonic stem cell research. Pro-group also oppose the American conservatives’ view regarding the ethical issue of using embryos.

Conservatives claim that by destroying a lot of embryos during stem cell extraction, the researchers are killing ‘human lives’. The Pro-group counter this view by using scientific evidences and show embryo is not a ‘living human’ but just an ‘undeveloped entity’. “…all parties in the debate agree that the preimplantation embryo is not yet an entity with interests or rights, and therefore can be discarded or used in research in ways that human research subjects cannot ” (Robertson, 1995). Also, the Pro-group counter-argue by stating that large number of embryos is destroyed in the in-vitro fertilization clinics.

That is, to help childless couples, close to 400,000 embryos per year are destroyed during the fertilization processes in various clinics. They argue, if thousands of embryos are destroyed in the in-vitro fertilization clinics without any use, why the same yardstick is not applied to the embryonic stem cell research, which will surely help many. The problem with the anti- stem cell research groups’ approach towards embryonic stem cell research is they don’t care for the affected people. So, without showing any concern for the individuals, the anti research group oppose the research.

On the other hand, the Pro-stem cell research groups consider embryonic stem cells as best solution to treat many diseases, injuries and malfunctions. They also propose that embryonic stem cell research should be allowed in the US soil and funding for that research should be given by the US government. Pro-stem cell research groups’ main argument in support of embryonic stem cell research is, it gives a kind of rebirth to many individuals, who are confined to their beds, wheelchairs and their homes. “Patients with stroke or spinal cord injuries could receive cell-based treatments that would restore function, enabling functional independence.

” (Holland et. al, 288). So, providing them an effective treatment through embryonic stem cell research is like giving them a new lease of life. Works Cited: Holland, Suzzane, Lebacqz, Karen and Zoloth, Laurie. 2001. The Human Embryonic Stem Cell Debate: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy Debate. MIT Press. Robertson, John A. Symbolic Issues in Embryo Research. The Hastings Center Report, Vol. 25. 1995 stemcells. nih. gov. Stem Cell Basics: How are embryonic stem cells stimulated to differentiate? 20 February 2008. 20 April 2009. http://stemcells. nih. gov/info/basics/basics3. asp

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