Statement of Purpose

“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity” so said Hippocrates. I have been fortunate enough to have the opportunity . Since childhood I was enamoured by the practice of medicine. The thought of handling emergencies in a hospital always thrilled me. Hence I constantly contemplated of pursuing a career in medical field since school days.. Thanks to my mother who instilled in me love for the pursuit of excellence in academics, particularly science. Her constant support and guidance was instrumental to the successful pursuit of my interests.

With science as my chosen field in junior college – biology was always one of my favourite subjects. This was because it brought me closer to exploring and answering some of my basic inquisitiveness about the human condition. With some of the early answers, the intrigue about the origin and treatment of human health problems and the after effects of such interventions. My grandmother being a Diabetes type II patient, I naturally took a keen interest in treatment and evolution of her condition.

Her having to take insulin injections daily and yet go through the agony of eventually suffering from diabetic foot, made my resolve stronger to pursue a career in medicine. The hospital where she was admitted to comprehended the problem and acted responsibly without putting her life at risk and treating it completely for which we were eternally grateful. It made me realize that running a hospital is not a one man job, in this case a good doctor. It also involves the presence of other trained and qualified personnel on board which accounts for efficient running of a hospital.

During my academic work leading to the first degree in dentistry in Kolhapur (affiliated to the Maharashtra University) I had the opportunity to witness human suffering aggravated by pressing economic circumstances. This changed my life in many ways. Soon I was able to decipher how everything in and around the body influences it While studying each subject I realized how everything in and around the body influences it – to be either in a sound or an ailing state. My initial apprehension turned into enthusiasm to become an instrument in treating patients.

The third year of dentistry course could not have come sooner, and I started caring for my patients at a personal level. This helped me gain a better understanding of the physical manifestation of the underlying problem and its clinical treatment. With the growing confidence, working with patients evoked a sense of responsibility towards the well – being of people who entrust their health to medical practitioners and people associated with them. In the end of it all, it was gratifying to see their satisfied smiles.

I found the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery to be the most interesting because the treatment of the ailment is based on a holistic enquiry into and understanding of patients’ health history. Naturally I was zealous about assisting my professors in surgeries of fractures and cysts because it afforded me an opportunity to seek detailed explanation of the procedure and its effective execution. I believe that acquisition of knowledge isn’t merely out of books but through other sources as well. Organizing free dental camps in villages was our responsibility as a part of our study.

We as students arranging the camp had to share our duties. For instance declaring, coordinating as well as organizing and conducting the camp was our onus too. It helped me realize the vitality of working in a team and the positive outcomes of it. But it also gave me an insight of how unaware people were not only of their dental problems but other ailments as well. Since I have been born and brought up in a metropolitan city like Mumbai, the inequality and inefficiency in the treatment of rural patients was a painful eye opener for me.

In the end of it all, the out of books view of handling practical issues gave me an insight into the practice of dentistry and served to seal my interests in medical field. After my internship I chose to work with a senior dentist to further sharpen my skills. As a result I gained a lot of confidence in handling various dental procedures . Interacting with patients one on one made me aware of the fact that building up a healthy patient doctor relationship is the first step in successfully treating a patient. It also guarantees patient satisfaction in the long run.

Soon being confined to working on oral cavity lost its appeal and I yearned for work in a much wider area but within the healthcare domain. The mutually enriching relationship with patients also led me to seek health care studies as the next stage in evolution of my academic work and a future career. It is said that in our leisure we reveal what kind of people we are. Being an extrovert in nature, my co – curricular activities are merely an extension of myself. Participating in inter school and college competitions helped me to enhance my oratory skill.

I was actively involved in organizing conferences and festivals in college which gave me the chance to interact with new people. It also added to my abilities as a coordinator, a listener and a leader when necessary. I am of the belief that exchanging new ideas stimulate your creativity thus broadening your outlook on life. “ There are no constraints on human mind, no walls around human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect” echoing the famous last words of Ronald Regan, I would like to say that I am someone who believes in leaving my own footprints rather than following those left by others.

I feel that my post graduate studies will afford me to pursue the above stated objective by extending my academic work and limited experience to focus on broader healthcare issues in a challenging multidisciplinary environment. My aim is to translate the acquired knowledge in a way as to provide for maximum patient benefit by providing services without sacrificing quality. It will give me an insight of how critical and analytical view of issues is vital for management and governance of a healthcare system and will enhance my leadership skills.

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The following statement of purpose was written for University of xxxxxxx About me: I deem it a privilege to give a brief account of myself to your esteemed institution. I am xxxxxxxxx, __years old. Striving for betterment and improvement has …

Since early childhood, I always believed I would choose a career in the medical field. When I was five years old, I was asked: “What do you want to be when you grow up”? I always responded by saying: “I …

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