Sport in later life

For most people in life they will always remember a good coach or teacher; a good coach/teacher can be the difference for someone taking part ion sport in later life. Although I haven’t experienced this, I have read that people have had bad experiences with coaches or teachers and have been put off sport for life. This shows how important a coach or teacher can be in developing children for later life. I have to compare two coaches that I believe to be successful; I have decided to choose a former teacher and a former coach.

I believe it will be interesting to compare them as they were both successful in different, one was successful as he produced good results for the team and the other was successful in producing and help develop children into good players. My first coach was Adrian Tame, he was my cricket coach but was also a Devon coach will help me develop and also get a chance regularly to show Devon selectors my ability, some people are at clubs where they don’t send representatives to Devon trials, I was lucky in that sense.

He was a coach that focused on developing my skill rather than looking at a way of using my skill to win games, you could say he looked at the technical side of the sport rather than the mental aspect. My other coach was my football teacher/coach at my secondary school. He was a person who I got along with and he was more of a coach that didn’t coach our skills but coached us win with our skills, he used different techniques to motivate us and to help us win matches.


Whether you are a qualified coach or just someone who does it for fun your attitude towards children is a big part in whether you are a successful coach or not. Wanted Our Future This diagram shows how and where you can use your coaching skills. Even if you are not qualified you can skilled help develop sport in certain situations. It just means you are restricted to amateur set-ups where they are usually grateful for the help whether from a qualified coach or an unqualified one. The role of the coach is a varied one.

It involves being a teacher, a trainer, a motivator, a manager and a friend. It also involves being disciplined (and knowing how to discipline), being willing to listen and being willing to learn. In a purer sense it is the art and science of sharing your accumulated knowledge with a player to improve their performance. Coaching is not just about improving the physical performance of the player. The changes in behaviour, mental and physical condition which coaching can bring will carry over into everyday life.

That’s where the saying everyone remembers a good teacher/coach comes from. In taking on the role of a coach, you must accept that the development of the player as “a whole person” is as important as that player’s success in the sport. Coaches must use the influence they have on players, particularly young children, with care, consideration and concern. Here are six of coach’s most important roles they have to play within helping a young or experienced athlete to improve. 1. Advisor – Advising athletes on the training to be conducted and suitable kit and equipment. 2.

Assessor – Assessing athlete’s performance in training and in competition. 3. Demonstrator – Demonstrate to the athletes the skill you require them to perform. To achieve this it is important that you also keep fit. 4. Mentor – When athletes attend training sessions you are responsible, to their parents and family, for ensuring that they are safe and secure. You have to monitor their health and safety whilst training and support them should they have any problems or sustain any injuries. 5. Motivator – Maintain the motivation of all the athletes the whole year round.

Supporter – Competition can a be very nerve racking experience for some athletes and often they like you to be around to help support them through the pressures. Role of a ‘Friend’ and perhaps ‘Counsellor’ come in here to. I have missed one role out from this list; I believe the most important role of a coach is that of an educator. His job is not complete when he’s delivered his message, but rather, when the moment comes when the athlete/player completely understands what you’re saying and is able to contribute his own ideas to the conversation.

Some children can learn by listening, others learn better with visual images, and still others learn best kinaesthetically, by going through the motions. So it is important that a coach doesn’t use the same technique for getting information across with every child as each child is different and may find it easier to learn a different way, each coaching technique must be Taylor made for the athlete/player rather for the coach.

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