Soursop: Cancer and Evergreen Tree Native

The Soursop is a flowering, evergreen tree native to tropical regions of the world. It also contains a long, prickly green fruit which happens to kill cancer up to 10,000 times more effectively than strong chemotherapy drugs, all without the nasty side effects and without harming healthy cells. Oberlies et al (1995) research the capability acetogenins to block or inhibit, the cell growth of tumor cells. They tested this on several cell types in vitro, cancerous cells from mice and humans as well as non-cancerous cells from the intestinl tract of rats.

Results showed that the more acetogenins was added with the cancerous cells, the more the cell growth was blocked. The researchers come up on this project because a lot of people are suffering from cancer now a day. With this study it can contribute an effective cure for cancer petients. * PURPOSE According to the research the soursop is alternative to use for, iterant diseases and high cholesterol specially to cure cancer. The benefits of this project, many cancer victims will be cured because of this project, because according to the research it can kill 12 types of cancer including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.

* SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT * This is important to all of the victims of cancer. * The benefit will occur in this project is done is many people will know that cancer will be prevented because of this product, it is because according to research this product is 10,000 effective more than chemotherapy. Chapter ll BACKGROUND * BACKGROUND INFORMATION The source of this information is just as stunning: It comes from one of America’s largest drug manufacturers, the fruit of over 20 laboratory tests conducted since the 1970’s.

The drug industry began a search for a cancer cure and their research centered on Graviola, a legendary healing tree from the Amazon Rainforest. It turns out the drug company invested nearly seven years trying to synthesize two of the Graviola tree’s most powerful anti-cancer ingredients. If they could isolate and produce man-made clones of what makes the graviola so potent, they’d be able to patent it and make their money back * DEFINITION OF TERMS Guyabano – is a fruit that rich in iron, copper, vitamin C, riboflavin, potassium and magnesium.

Have the ability to cure 12 types of cancer including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer. Best – I use the word best because the guyabano is the best and miraculous. Helps prevent tumors, constipation, leg cramps, anemia, PMS, UTI, migraine, pregnancy complication, water retention and specially cancer. Chapter lll METHODOLOGY * PROCEDURE AND TIME FRAME * This project begins February 25, 2013. * It will end March 14, 2013 SCOPE AND LIMITATION.

I’m planning to include some procedure and how to make a G-tea in order to know the other uses of the guyabano fruit and leaves. Q. It is true that the guyabano leaves is beneficial to health? A. In fact, not only the leaves are beneficial to health. The bark and fruits are all effective in curing several major diseases naturally. Most people prepare a decoction of its leaves for curing diseases. Some also eat its fruits directly or make a flavored shake. Whatever the form, the most important thing is its medicinal benefits.

These are the Medicinal Benefits of Guyabano Leaves and Fruits. Chapter IV CONCLUSION The guyabano soursop in English is a flowering, evergreen tree native to tropical regions of the world. It also contains a long, prickly green fruit which happens to kill cancer up to 10,000 times more effectively than strong chemotherapy drugs, all without the nasty side effects and without harming healthy cells. Guyabano is effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 types of cancer including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.

The tree compounds and prove to be up to 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used for chemotherapeutic drug. Is it true that the guyabano is the best and most effectively cure cancer? For me it is true, because many research have been prove that guyabano is the best and most effectively cure cancer. This product is very important because many people suffered cancer, and this product is the answer to prevent and cure cancer.

A balikbayan patient asked me recently about the anticancer effects of custard apple or sour sop. I was embarrassed to admit I didn’t quite know what the fruit was, but promised her I would request my research staff to search …

For more than 5,000 years, Ayurvedic healers have depended upon the neem tree to treat various illnesses. In Sanskrit, neem is translated as “nimba” and becomes the basis of an ancient saying “Neem, to give good health” or “the curer …

CANCER, a 6 letter word that makes our world upside down, but do you know what cancer is? More than one half of a million people are exposed to die of cancer this year. That’s more than 1500 a day. …

CANCER, a 6 letter word that makes our world upside down, but do you know what cancer is? More than one half of a million people are exposed to die of cancer this year. That’s more than 1500 a day. …

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