Small-sided games

The aim of this essay is to find out what provisions there are for netball in my local and the national areas, and whether or not there are any funding and coaching schemes for any level of netball from grassroots to elite level. Grassroots level Netball is available for all children to play at primary school level through to GCSE, girls and boys included. There are two main small-sided games aimed primarily at 7-11 year olds, for use in schools, clubs and holiday play schemes to provide fun, fitness and challenge for players of all abilities.

First step Netball has been designed mainly for children aged 7-9 year olds (Years 3 & 4). It is a version of 4-a-side netball that was launched in 1993, it has been adapted to suit the younger player giving them more freedom on the court and more time (5 seconds) to make a decision before throwing the ball but in a third of the court. A size 4 netball is used and an 8ft post.

High five netball is the next stage for children aged 9-11 (years 5 & 6). This is a modified game that provides the best foundation for young people to develop the physical, social and tactical skills; it also develops the knowledge and understanding of the game. There are 5 players on a full sized netball court, the others team members that are not on the court take up roles of timekeeper, score, umpire, and centre pass marker. A size 4 netball is used and they have 4 seconds to pass the ball and a 9ft netball post is used. This is the only game where England Netball provides resources and support for boys and girls playing in primary schools. A High fives Netball tournament will feature in this year’s Partnership Youth Games for boys and girls in school years 5&6.

Provision for elite performers For talented players there is a pathway to play for the national team but it takes a long time to get there. There are county squads from U14’s to the open selection. A player is only fully recognised when they are selected to represent the County at under 16 levels. There are talent camps for athletes who show potential but these are normally for athletes under the.

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